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Udan Scheme



The motto of the Udan scheme is “UdeDeshkaAamNaagrik” (Let the common citizen of the country fly). This scheme was launched in the middle of 2017 by the prime minister of India. This is basically a plan for the development of the airports and the infrastructures of the airlines and air travel. This plan was devised so that the common people of the country can avail the air travel feasibly and convenient and as a matter of fact, this is also a part of “Regional connectivity scheme” or which is commonly known as the RCS.

Making air travel affordable is the one of the most key and integral point of this scheme. And apart from this the scheme also aspires to boost the national development and also the job growth.


Apart from these the following are some of the parts where this scheme is laying the maximum amount of emphasis: –

  • The ministry of civil aviation (MOCA) released the policies and the schemes which stressed very much on regional connectivity and the funds allocated for enhancing and the development of the infrastructure.
  • This scheme will also ensure the economic development and the boost in the job growth.
  • The government aspires to maintain a well-balanced eco-system that will encompass the sustainable development and will also increase tourism and other job opportunities.
  • The NCAP 2016 is supposed to keep the competition alive in the market.
  • It is also true that different airline carriers will incur different expenses but there must be a transparent system for this.
  • The operators can always assess the demand of any particular route and must always weigh all the concerned factors.
  • This is a market based mechanism and the main target is to provide scope for cheap air travel.

The objectives of the Udan scheme

The Udan scheme has the following objectives: –

  • The primary objective of this plan is to make the air travel affordable so that all the citizens of the country can avail the air travel. Making the regional air connectivity cheap and convenient is the primary objective.
  • The air travel is becoming cheaper as the central government is providing a huge amount of subsidy and concession.
  • The airline operators reduce the cost of air travel in the domestic premises.
  • There are always provisions from the government to meet the expenses if the cost of the airline operator increases by many folds.
  • The central government and the state government and even the union territories will provide the concessions.


Benefits of the Udan scheme

The benefits of the Udan scheme are as follows: –

  • This scheme excludes all the airport charges and the other charges of the airline provider.
  • The primary benefit of this scheme is that the tickets of the flights will become cheaper.
  • Almost all the domestic destination has similar low and affordable price range.
  • The air connectivity to all parts of the country will definitely boost the growth of the economy.
  • The prices will be checked according to the distances that are being covered.
  • Most of the domestic flight fare would be cheaper than the private taxi.
  • This plan is supposed to connect all the forty four tier 2 cities will all the metros. At present there are about twenty two towns that are being considered as flight ready.

In the near future the Udan scheme is supposed to connect more than seventy airports of the country. And the fare will be counted as Rs 2500 for every 500 km. This tariff is even less than the one charged by the private taxi.

Eligibility and the conditions applying forUdan scheme

There is no eligibility for this scheme. All the domestic air fare will become cheap. And any citizen of India can avail the advantage.

Documents required for availing theUdan scheme


How to apply for theUdan scheme

Udan scheme is “UdeDeshkaAamNaagrik” (Let the common citizen of the country fly). Under this scheme the government of India has selected various airports for the domestic flights within the country. The following are the list of the places that are selected by the government of India and the tariff is Rs 2500.

Important links



Without any second thought the Udan scheme, “UdeDeshkaAamNaagrik” (Let the common citizen of the country fly) is one of the noblest initiatives taken by the government of India. At present the government is providing the service in few selected states and cities and airports and is providing a subsidized air fare for the common people of the country. But in the near future all the country will be under this scheme and all the people of every state will be able to reap the benefit of this national scheme. The primary motto of this scheme is to provide cheap and affordable airline service to all the people of the country.

The cheap and the affordable air connectivity will in a way boost the economic growth and development. In a way this will increase the job opportunity and will open new avenues and vistas for the people of the country. The government of India is providing this subsidized air travel option to all the people of the country so that everyone can get equal opportunity in terms of jobs and higher education. The subsidized rate of the air tickets is quite often less than the tariff of the private taxis.

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