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Top 10

Top 10 Populated Countries

When it comes to population, some countries stand out from the rest. In this section, we will explore the top 10 most populated countries in the world. These countries are home to a significant portion of the global population and play a crucial role in shaping global demographics and economies.

1. China:

With over 1.4 billion people, China takes the top spot as the most populated country in the world. Its vast population has contributed to its economic growth and influence on a global scale.

2. India:

Following closely behind is India, with a population exceeding 1.3 billion people. Known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse society, India’s population continues to grow at a rapid pace.

3. United States:

The United States ranks third on our list with approximately 331 million people residing within its borders. As one of the world’s leading economic powers, it attracts individuals from all walks of life seeking opportunities.

4. Indonesia:

With over 273 million inhabitants, Indonesia is not only known for its stunning landscapes but also for being one of Southeast Asia’s most populous nations.

5. Pakistan:

Pakistan boasts a population of around 225 million people, making it one of South Asia’s most densely populated countries.

6. Brazil:

As Latin America’s largest country, Brazil is home to approximately 213 million people who contribute to its vibrant culture and economy.

7. Nigeria:

Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria has over 211 million residents who represent various ethnicities and contribute to its diverse society.

8. Bangladesh:

With a population exceeding 166 million people living in an area roughly the size of Iowa in the United States, Bangladesh stands as one of the world’s most densely populated countries.

9. Russia:

Despite being geographically vast, Russia has a relatively concentrated population of around 145 million individuals spread across its expansive territory.


Rounding off our list is Japan with approximately 126 million people. Known for its technological advancements and unique culture, Japan has a significant impact on global innovation.

These top 10 most populated countries showcase the diversity and scale of human populations around the world. Understanding their demographics is crucial for various fields, including economics, politics, and social sciences.

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