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Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)


Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) Is one of the finest scheme initiated by the central government to provide sustainable source of income to the people who are poorest of the poor in rural and urban locality. The scheme is a combination of existing schemes namely  integrated rural development programme which was started in 1980, TRYSEM,  development of women in rural area Which was started in 1982 and also 1million Wells Yojana.

All the schemes are purely for the development and growth in rural Localities in India.  In extension to the existing schemes the central government initiative added urban localities by covering most of the benefits underlying in the above-mentioned schemes and providing financial security to the people in both rural and urban localities.


The basic aim of the scheme is to provide a sustainable self employment to the villages who are still unable to secure the financial position of individuals. It also ensures poor families who are living below poverty line to identify and encourage them to initiate a self help groups with the support provided by the government subsidy and credit provides by the banking sector. Scheme direct to increase the poor individuals or family To focus on finding the financial income sources based on their skills.  In case of the people are unable to take the financial income sources in a proper manner,  under the scheme the volunteers will give a prominent help source where the guidance to generate income sources will be provided.  Based on the information and skills the self  help group can obtain source of income with the support of Banking and government sector under the scheme.

Self help employment group will get the assistance  from the ngos,  cbos,  individuals and also other self employment promoting institutions to guide the group in a right direction 2 words generating the income source for the proof and for the beneficiary to the individuals as well.


Properties of the scheme

Under the scheme  the total of 30% on the capital investment will be provided by the government  For an individual,  if the group is created by  SC or ST  the government funding will be the 50% of the total capital investment,  this is purely based on the total capital Investment is less than 10000.  And also for the self help groups government offering 50% of the funding on the total investment which should be lesser than 1.25 lacs.  There is no monitoring on the subsidies which are provided by the government.  The overall work progress and its reports needs to submit by the self help groups itself . This is the reason the government is sanctioning the fonts on marginalised Section of the society development.  The scheme also have a  specific structure of Hierarchy which showcases the distribution of funding to various groups based on the criterias.  If the self help group is why the SC ST category people then the funding will be up to 50%,  if the group is established by women then the funding will be 40% and coming to physically challenged peoples group the funding Based on 3% to reach beneficiaries.  The overall funding for the scheme is divided into 3:1 ratio which means,  75% funding will be by the central government and thus 25% will be by the state government.


 Benefits of the scheme

The major benefits of the scheme is to generate a substantial  economical status to the poorest people of the poor who are least bothered in below poverty line.  This scheme helps people who are unable to secure their earnings or else there is no source of income to generate.  The overall structure of the scheme Encourages the below poverty line individuals to become a group and generate self employment and earning sources.


Under the scheme the individuals also get the benefits after registered as a group and get the overall structure building the help of local supporting people.


 Documents and  how to apply

To get the benefits of the scheme first individuals have to prepare group where the Omen or ST SC scheduled population exist,  then they have to provide the details of each and every number of the group with respect to details required to avail the scheme benefits.


By considering the provided documents and information government will give the fund sanction.  To encourage the self help group the government associated ngos and other bank related employment training and promotion groups will give a complete guidance for appointment and the way Income for the group and as an individual.  Once completion of the complete setup of self help group along with the detail about the approach mint to farming sources along with the capital investment for the proposal according to the eligibility criteria the government will issue the funds through the respective group.



Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)  is properly structured scheme which aims to reduce the poorest population in India. According to the service,  due to lack of information on various possible income sources and the approach mint to utilise the skills of an individual or fail to generate sustainable income sources.  Such kind of Individuals and groups exist across India,  majorly Indore localities and also in urban.

To encourage people who are don’t have any source of income and fail to sustain their financial status and also under below poverty line,  the government initiated  the scheme which will encourage the people to build a self help group which will be late by few members and guided by ngos and all other evening shows promotional training institutions.



Based on the information and evan’s provided by the ngos, self-help group can initiate any of the source of income proposal which will be led by government funding initially.  The funding may where is for self help group and individuals according to the guidelines provided.  The complete structure building and improved mental progress need to be monitored by self-help group members only.  There is no significant monitoring by the scheme authority’s or by the government.  This scheme is purely designed and implemented for the purpose of reducing the level of poor in urban and rural localities. In addition to this government also subsidizes various schemes to these groups and also the group members can get benefits as an individual To participate in any of the scheme or else to generate income sources.

The funding majorly bear  by the central government like 75%  and 25% by the state governments.  The remaining amount for the total capital amount need to be borne by the group members itself.  With an extension the remaining capital amount can acquire from any of the banking sector or Financial Institutions by the scheme guidelines.


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