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Sukanya Samridhi Yojana (SSY)



The scheme is a great initiative taken by women and child development authority, the Government of India which will majorly be focusing on securing girl child and protecting their financial support for their marriage. The scheme is roksanda Beti Bachao Beti padhao, an annunciator taken by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Under the scheme the girl child is eligible to get proper education services and secure the financial source for their marriage.

It also enables the Other schemes which are purely meant for the girl child and their provisions. The scheme running very successfully with a great appreciation and response specifically from the mass population in India.  The people who are having girl child and economically middle class are lower middle class are availing the scheme benefits.  Majority of the scheme-availing population is below middle class.

This scheme initiative taken by the Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi in the year 2015.  Under the scheme the parents or Guardians Of Girl child have to deposit monthly  in the post offices or any bank under the name of girl child.  The monthly deposits will get interest rate of 8.1%.  The minimum duration for monthly installment of rupees 1000 is 10 years. The maximum monthly deposit is 1.5 lacs.



There is no specific time period to start the scheme,  but after starting the scheme according to the guidelines the deposits should be done for 14 years as said the minimum amount of 1000 to maximum amount of 1.5 Lakh per month.  This means if girl child age is about 10 years at the time of opening an account under the scheme, then the parents or Child or else the guardian have to pay the monthly minimum amount for about 14 years which means the maturity of the account for availing or withdrawal hundred percent is at the age of 24 of the girl.

In between the girl child or the Guardians our parents can withdraw partial amount for further studies of the girl which is having a specific limitation to withdraw.  Delimitation may vary according to the age group and the studies along with the eligibility criteria as well.


The major benefits of the scheme

There are couple of more benefits available under the scheme especially for the girl child.

  • Under the scheme guidelines girl child can open an account
  • The  monthly deposit of minimum 1000 to maximum 1.5 Lakh
  • Parents or guardians or else baby can deposit the amount on monthly basis
  • The rate of interest 8.1% will be give it to the deposited Everyone between 10th to 15th date.
  • Partial withdrawal of the deposited amount can be done after successful completion of girl child 10th class study.  Which is between 15 to 18 years of age partial withdrawal amount by the girl child or the parents or else the guardian.
  • Is the revised scheme principles and guidelines,  after the age 18 the girl child can withdraw the total hundred percent amount for the purpose of marriage or else further studies.  This option is not available earlier which was revised recently.


 Eligibility criteria and how to apply

The basic eligibility criteria for availing the scheme benefits easiest the girl child have to secure her financial status for the marriage and education.  A girl can open an account under s s y before the age of 10 years and also eligible to start depositing the amount even at the age of 10 years where the prayer one year of the scheme announcement.   The parents or Guardian or baby girl itself can start opening an account and deposit the monthly minimum amount.


Prabhu birth certificate along with address and identification proof have to submit for opening an account which will give more security to the account and also helps with Royal the total amount itself.  There is no specific rules and guidelines to follow for opening an account in the locality or region itself.  An account can open anywhere in India and also Transferable to any location in India itself.  The sole authority and accessibility on the account is purely to the baby girl only.


The opening a new account is possible in any of the financial institution which is under the scheme guidelines.  Private and public sector financial and banking service providers are offering whisky benefits and to open a new account.  There is no constraint to follow for opening a new account in anywhere in India.




 Properties of the scheme

The scheme Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)  initiative taken by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the year 2015 for aiming to secure girl child future towards providing a bright educational support and financial support at the time of marriage.   Under the scheme guidelines after a birth of baby girl in an year time parents,  guardians or baby girl itself can open an account in any of the private or public banking sectors or Financial Institutions which are allowed with the scheme principles and guidelines.


By facilitating monthly installment deposition with a minimum of 1000 rupees and the maximum of 1.5 Lakh,  depending upon the financial position can deposit the amount accordingly.  The total duration for the scheme to maintain parent or Guardian or else the girl is 14 years which means from the date of opening an account the count will start and after successful completion of 14 years only the hundred percent amount can be withdrawn.  In case of any financial assistance required in between the maturity period for girl for the studies,  then there is a feasibility to withdraw partial amount based on the eligibility criteria of the girl.



The total hundred percent amount can be withdrawn only after the girl age is above 18 years.  Unless until no one is authorised to access the account or withdraw the amount except the girl.  The rate of interest 8.1% will be provided by the government to the deposited amount on monthly basis which will be credited directly in the account itself.  This account is transferred to any location to any location Which is truly don’t have any other  factors which will affect.


The central women and girl welfare department is the sole authority for maintaining and controlling the scheme principles and guidelines.  The overall objective and aiming is fulfilling by the Scheme.  Most of the mass crowd engaging with the scheme and availing all the scheme benefits in rural and urban localities.


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