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Smart Cities Mission


The then Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi was known to have launched the Smart Cities Mission.

The Smart Cities Mission is the mission which has an objective of retrofitting and the renewing the programmes of the Government of India. This Smart Cities Mission was launched by the Government of India in order to develop a hundred cities (100 cities), all over India in order to make the citizens of India sustainable and friendly.

The Smart Cities Mission is launched by the Government of India so that the city gets smarter. This mission enables the citizen to live a good and healthy life, by influencing the National growth of India. This Smart Cities Mission was established in the year 2015, in order to increase the national growth in the economy of India. The initiative of Smart Cities Mission was started in order to improve the lifestyles of the people by helping in the procedure of local development and also harnesses the resources available and ensure the optimum utilization of the technology, in order to create a good surrounding for the citizens to grow and derive a smart and healthy outcome.


The Smart Cities Mission helps in the growth of the environment and hence, the citizens get motivated and directed towards making the city smarter and better.

The Smart Cities Mission helps in developing physical, economic, institutional, and social infrastructure. The Smart Cities Mission focuses on the most important or basic needs of the citizens so that the Government of India, never misses a single opportunity of making the lives of the citizens better in all the possible ways.

The Smart Cities Mission has the aim of focusing on the growth o a particular city. It also works for the promotion of a particular city that will provide the core infrastructure required for living a life in a city. The Smart Cities Mission aims to provide a decent life to the citizens in a particular city in a clean and green and sustainable environment.


Objectives of the Mission:

  • The aim of this Smart Cities Mission is to ensure the pan-city initiative, in which at least one Smart Solution will be applied in the scheme and will be applicable throughout the city. This will help the citizen lead a better life.
  • The sole aim and objective of the mission are to develop the underdeveloped parts of the city and make the citizens understand about the clean environment in building up the city as a smart one.
  • The objective of Smart Cities Mission is to drive economic growth and make the lives of the citizen better in all the possible ways. It works for developing the local infrastructure and helps to improve them, by practicing the optimum utilization of the of the resources that are available.
  • The Smart Cities Mission ensures the development of the area-based development, which includes redeveloping of the existing areas and transforming them to make a better place to so that the citizens can improve their livelihood.
  • The slums in the city are turned into a better place, which is planned by the experts so that the ones who reside there can live a healthy life and a better life in future. The Smart Cities Mission, by the Government of India, aims for better and planned cities in India, so that the lives of the citizens are improved and the living conditions too.


Benefits of the Mission:

  • The Smart Cities Mission was started so that an individual can live a good lifestyle and help their families to do so and also can increase the National Income of India by increasing the per capita income. The Smart Cities Mission helps to improve the qualities of the lifestyles of the poor and unemployed citizens of India. The Smart Cities Mission has an objective of making a growth in the contribution of the national income which it does by making the individual motivated to work for their families and increase the per capita income.
  • The Smart Cities Mission help the citizens of India in leading a good life in a convenient and carefree way. The citizens due to the Smart Cities Mission can live a comfortable life which is directing the cities towards becoming a smarter city.
  • As the city is nothing without its citizens, so the Smart Cities Mission by the Government of India aims in developing the lives of the citizens and their families so that they can lead the cities to a better future in each and every prospect.
  • The benefits which the Smart Cities Mission gives to the citizens are the facilities of transport, technology, electricity, which are having easy access to it and is comfortable enough for the citizen to make use of the facilities.
  • The Smart Cities Mission provides a lot of advanced technology procedures like the digital India procedure. The Smart Cities Mission has the benefits of providing modernized technologies to the citizens in order to help them to live a better life.

 Eligibility criteria for the mission:

The city which is applying for this mission has to complete each level of the challenge which is given to be completed and then only the scheme will be applicable to the city.

The Government does the relaxations accordingly as per the Government rules and regulations, of India.

Requires Documents:

The proof of qualifying the challenges will help the city to get the scheme of the Smart Cities Mission.

How to apply:

The city eligible for the scheme will have to compete with other cities for getting the benefits of the Smart Cities Mission.

Some important links:




Properties of the scheme

The Smart Cities Mission helps the citizens of India in leading a good life in a convenient and carefree way. The citizens due to the Smart Cities Mission can live a comfortable life which is directing the cities towards becoming a smarter city.


The initiative of Smart Cities Mission was started in order to improve the lifestyles of the people by helping in the procedure of local development and also harnesses the resources available and ensure the optimum utilization of the technology, in order to create a good surrounding for the citizens to grow and derive a smart and healthy outcome. As the city is nothing without its citizens, so the Smart Cities Mission by the Government of India aims in developing the lives of the citizens and their families so that they can lead the cities to a better future in each and every prospect. The Smart Cities Mission has been helpful and effective for the cities which are developing.




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