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Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP)



Tuberculosis (tb) is  one of the most problematic and she is disease caused by the bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis.  This infectious disease spread through the medium of air from the people who are suffering with tb to others.  In an year 1 tb patient can spread the disease to around 10 people.  This remains still one of the major health problem in india.  More than 26% are registered as tb infectious people around the globe in 2011 server and the majority part of tb patients from india,  the estimated count of tb patients in india  is 2.3 millions.


The World Health Organization and Swedish International Development Agency analysis on tb patients and also strategy and planning for controlling the growth pull out a new program called the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (rntcp)  which is runs according to the guidelines and principles directed by call health the recommendations of directly observed treatment short course which name in a short form of dots.  This was launched in 1997 and in a span of 10 years which means 2006 more than 1 billions covering the population who are suffering with tb across 630 rupees 6 in 35 states of India.  Dots initiated treatment for more than 12.8 million and made most of them to survive.


Rntcp is one of the largest leading program towards fighting against tb with a mission of reducing the growth rate of infectious tb disease upto 70%.  The main objective of the program is to identify tb cases in a respect to locality and providing all the treatment related facilities for free of cost along with keep monitoring the patients periodically . Such scenario  helps the people to strengthen themselves and overcome csbc without spreading to others.  There are couple of health awareness programs are also conducted by the program volunteers,  use to provide information like how to prevent spreading the tb disease and what are the basic protections a tb patient needs to take and the time period for medication and also the change in lifestyle.

The overall scenario of the treatment,  counselling and health awareness will take up to the maximum period of time which means the patient health condition should be alright and by taking the confirmation that a particular patient is no more infectious and  spreads the disease bacteria.

 Benefits of the program

This program benefits to each and every one which means as stated this is an infectious disease and can spread to more than 10 people in an year.  By identifying tb patients and providing them a cold treatment the possibilities of spreading the disease will reduce to as low.  By bringing awareness on tb disease to the people and  confidence,  the program success rate is very high.

Under the program a tb patient can get complete treatment for free of cost and patient will be monitored by a doctor continuously to avoid in middle complications of spreading tb.  There are more than 2 million population suffering with tb and among them 70% of the patients are taking treatment on the dots program.


People who are suffering with tb disease can approach nearby health centres or government hospitals or else can approach the private hospitals to get more detail in about the treatment facilities and services available for free of cost.  Under the program every patient considered as a unique and provides the complete treatment with regular intervals of visiting doctor and taking the medication timely. The complete diet sheet and the lifestyle modification during the treatment will provide by the health centre dr and the same description and guidelines should follow by the patient.  The overall concept of the program will reach to a patient once he or she registered under dots.

In case of the patient lives in any tribal locality or dessert places or else remote location where services and facilities are not available,  then the patient will be considered as a special case and the treatment monitoring and guidelines will be given by the doctor by contacting personally or through other communications.  Regular visiting to the nearby health centre he is mandatory for better investigation and improvement analysis of the patient.


Health centre visit

Every time patient visits to the health centre will get complete medication and the treatment for the next 15 to 30 days by providing the complete information like time to take the medication and time to take the food and time to take rest  and also along with this information patient will get the detail in about contact persons in the locality like,  local health centre along with doctor details and contact number,  mandal health centre with respect to doctor contact information and also district health centres and doctors available along with contact details.  In case of any emergency situation patient can contact any of the doctor just by a call and get the complete  help support.  Some emergency situations local health centres will provide the transportation facility to the patient to reach health centre on time.




Properties of the scheme

Tb is one of the leading  death cause infectious disease globally with a higher percent of the disease led by india.  With the collaboration of world health organisation the government of india along with ministry of health started an initiative of revised national keeper control program which aims to control the tb growth rate in india.

Under the program directly observed treatment short course (dots)  started working aggressively towards getting the progressive results of treating tb patients. This entire program runs in a systematic manner to reduce the spreading of infection from one person to another and simultaneously controlling the infection.  For this dots program directed to provide complete  treatment facility to the tb patient by reaching the patient regularly.  The doctor from nearby health centre or from district health centre approaches the tb patient who are registered under the dance program to provide complete medication and giving health awareness information which mainly focuses on how the treatment will come and what are the benefits will get tb patient,  the timelines of the treatment also the guidelines  to follow by the patient.

Points to note

The complete medication and treatment is provided by the  doctor for free of cost which means there is no need of payment made by the patient.  Also, the doctor gets the patient to avoid contact with other persons which may spread the disease by giving a practical demonstration of how to live in the society and what are the precautions to take while roaming in a crowded places or else with the family.

By following the basic guidelines and treatment atd patient can be free from tb disease.  Under the program there are two types of activities performed by the volunteers like,

  • Identifying tb patients in india by spreading awareness on tb treatment and the symptoms of tb
  • The second one resistant tb patients who are identified and providing complete medication till the patient survive from the disease.


According to the service,  more than 70% cases are identified in the duration and the success rate of tb treatment to the patient is 85% across the india.  Which means the tb disease spreading and preventing and also controlling is taking a good sign in india.  Under the program the statistics and analysis also plays a key role to analyse where exactly population attack with tb and what are the main reasons get infectious.  Based on the strategies and apartments,  further plan of action and implementation may vary to reduce the growth rate of tb disease.


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