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Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana


The scheme of Rashtriya Swathya Yojana was introduced by the Government of India nine years ago (9 years). Dr. Manmohan Singh to launch the scheme in the year 2008’s 1st April.

The Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India first launched this scheme in order to help families belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL). This is a health insurance where the families from the below poverty line get the help of the Government of India when they are attacked by any kind of disease and are in need of undergoing some treatment. This scheme is introduced for the poor families of India.


The scheme “Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana”, aims to help and provide financial assistance to the employees who work in the unrecognized sectors of remote areas belonging to the below poverty line (BPL). Their families also get the help of the Government of India under this scheme. This scheme provides cashless benefits to the register and the register’s family. Whenever treatment is required this health insurance provides facilities and permits the hospitalization or admission of the patient in any public or private hospitals. This scheme is known to have started their enrolment on 1st April 2008 and has been implemented in near about twenty-five states (25 states).  Initially the scheme of “Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana”, was under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, and now it has been transferred to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, since 1st April 2015.

After an analysis, it is found out that the total number of families which are known to have applied for this scheme of “Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana”, is thirty-six million (36 million) in number.

The scheme is known to be effective and helped the families a lot.


Properties of the scheme

The scheme of this Government of India has been saving lives of the families belonging to the below poverty level. The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana has incorporated an efficient and eligible system of monitoring and evaluating the faults and failures. They have also started improving and monitoring the transactions made by the beneficiaries.

This scheme is known to be providing cashless benefits which are also paperless. The applicant who have enrolled for the scheme of “Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana”, can get the treatment from any place in India with cash, only if he or she has the smart card given during the enrolment. He or she has to verify it with the fingerprint. If any family member wants or is in need to get treated, the fingerprint of the head authority of the household will only help. The insurance providers do not need to kind of papers to get collected, hence it is known as the paperless transaction. The claims and the payments from the concerned party can be sent online.


  • The objectives of the scheme of Rashtriya Swathya Bima Yojana is to provide financial support to the families in need when catastrophic and fatal diseases occur to the patients under the scheme.
  • The objective is to provide health facilities in good conditions.
  • They aim to improve the qualities of the service rendered to the patient.
  • The hospitalization and the admission of the patient should be quick in order to save a life.
  • They ensure the safety of the patients and treatment services to be rendered as soon as possible.

Benefits of the Scheme or Yojana

  • The families registered under this scheme gets safety measures regarding health when required.
  • The below poverty level workers and households belonging to those categories which are unrecognized get to avail the medical protection against the medical expenses that are included in the event of the health risk.
  • The families under this scheme can get affordable and easy access to the health care facilities without any delay.
  • There is no particular disease which is not treated by the doctors under this scheme “Rashtriya Swathya Bima Yojana”.
  • An individual and his family from the below poverty level can easily get the services and hence the Government of India can save lives.

Eligibility and Conditions applying for the Scheme:

The applicant should belong from the below poverty level (BPL) section of the society. The beneficiary should belong to the unrecognized part of the society. Which are like the taxi drivers, the construction site workers, licensed porters and auto drivers too. There is no age limit for the applicant to apply for this.

Under this scheme, the family members of up to five (5) individuals are covered under this scheme.

Required Documents

No documents are required as such. The list of the BPL households is taken from the District BPL List and specific dates are scheduled in every village with the assistance of the officials of the district levels. The enrollment stations are set up in every village where biometric information and photographs of every family member are collected by the officials and the families are then handed over a smart card having the photograph. With the payment of the fee of INR 30, the concerned Government official authenticates the card and activates the same.

How to apply

The applicant has to report to the enrolment station and the applicant has to provide an address proof, identity proof and the head of the household has to be the applicant.

The applicant has to report to the enrolment office where the “Rashtriya Swathya Bima Yojana” scheme is conducting the enrolment processes.

Some important links:

The Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India first launched this scheme in order to help the families belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL). The objective is to provide health facilities in good conditions. Their families also get the help of the Government of India under this scheme. This scheme provides cashless benefits to the register and the register’s family. Whenever treatment is required this health insurance provides facilities and permits the hospitalization or admission of the patient in any public or private hospitals. An individual and his family from the below poverty level can easily get the services and hence the Government of India can save lives.

The families got a lot of help from the Government of India regarding this issue of health. The cashless health facility helps to get admissions to the hospital and move away from death. This facility rendered by the Government of India is helping a lot of people to survive and become healthier as the time is passing by.


The beneficiary in this scheme can use his or her smart card in order to make the availability of the benefits that come under the scheme of “Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana”. The most important fact about this scheme is that the enrolment can be done from a particular district by the applicant, but he or she can get the availability of it from anywhere in India. This scheme made by the Government of India has been saving lives for a long time and is aiming towards saving lives in the near future as well.

This help is rendered to all the families belonging to the below poverty level (BPL) sections of the society.

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