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Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan


The term “Swaraj” was coined by Mahatma Gandhi. The word “Swaraj” means self-governance. This scheme Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan was launched by the central government in 2016. This initiative of the central government is for rejuvenating the power of ‘Gram panchayats’ in a more organized manner. This system was launched by the Rajiv Gandhi to empower the gram panchayats. Recently the central government has relaunched this programme to empower the Panchayati Raj system in a more organized manner.

Rajiv Gandhi’s panchayet shaktikaran Abhiyan became a very famous initiative, but it was not a sustainable model. In the new Rashtriya, Gram Swaraj Abhiyan has been specially designed to solve multiple purposes.

  • It will reduce the pressure of district and block level governing bodies.
  • Government schemes will be able to penetrate the grass root level easily.
  • The modern gram panchayat offices will have internet support, which will help the villagers to get important information easily.
  • PESA will be implemented through this system.
  • E-governance structure can be introduced to the grass root level and schemes can be implemented in a better way.

Objective Of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan:

Since independence, Mahatma Gandhi implemented the idea of self-governance among the common people. That is why the government created the gram panchayats. Previously Mr. Rajiv Gandhi tried to rejuvenate the gram panchayats to implement the government schemes in a better way.

The present government has recently launched the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan to decentralize the power. Previously the governance system in India was all about centralizing the power, but it was not effective and fruitful. That is why the legislators and the policymakers of the country came up with the idea of decentralizing the power.

Because of the centralized structure of the governance, the central government was only responsible for implementing the scheme and due to corruption, most of the people didn’t get the proper benefit of the government schemes.


With the Gram Swaraj Abhiyan scheme, the government is willing to empower the micro governance bodies. With the help of these micro governance bodies, the scheme will reach the grassroots level. Also, the government is empowering the gram panchayats with computer and internets facility, so that the local people get to know about various government schemes and their facility.

This micro government body will also reduce the pressure from the district level court and district headquarters. In the previous model of the governance, people had to visit the district headquarters to solve their land or other issues. Now the local people have to visit the gram panchayat office to solve their land related issues and avail the facilities of government-sponsored schemes.

Some Key Factors Of Gram Swaraj Abhiyan:

Some scholars say that this scheme is an old gift, which has been wrapped in a new package. But top government officials have refused this completely because this project has been developed from scratch. This scheme doesn’t only empower the gram panchayats, but this scheme will make the gram panchayats an active part of the governance.

The central government will appoint trained officials to maintain and assist the gram panchayats so that gram panchayats can take an active part in the governance system.

The Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan will be supported by central and the state government. The majority of the fund will be paid by the central government and state government will also fund this project to improve the panchayat raj system. The main job of these new gram panchayats will be implementing the central government schemes and policies to the grass root level. Providing sustainable growth for the rural population is the main job of these new gram panchayats.

Benefits of The Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan:

The main objective of the creation this scheme was to empower the gram panchayats. Gram panchayats can become an effective tool for micro governance if it is used in the correct way. Significant changes can be created through this scheme.

  1. With the empowerment of the gram panchayats, democracy can be practiced at a grass root level. To practice democracy at a grass root level presence of government official is needed.
  2. For added accountability and transparency in the gram panchayats, the lawmakers are planning to provide computer and internet facility to the gram panchayats.
  3. The government schemes will reach to the rural people. If the gram panchayats develop as a strong institution, it can be used as a knowledge base for the common people.
  4. Practicing local self-governance will be possible through the gram panchayats. The constitution of India has always emphasized on local self-governance.
  5. Decentralization of power will be possible through the gram panchayats.

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Properties of the scheme

India is the largest democracy and through centralization of power, democracy can’t be practiced on a day to day level. To practice democracy at a grass root level participation of the common people is needed. That goal can be achieved only by empowering the local self-governance bodies. But that doesn’t mean that common people will take decision for every social or criminal activity. That part should be kept aside for the lawmakers of the country. Lack of knowledge and awareness has given birth to the social problems like corruption. To fight corruption, the governance system needs to be more transparent.

Transparency and accountability are important to maintain good governance in the country. Through centralization of power, good governance can’t be achieved. The Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan is a bold step of the government, which will enable the government to introduce decentralization of power.



Common people will be able to get the benefit of all the government schemes through the gram panchayats and they have no need to visit the district headquarter anymore.

Through this initiative, the pressure of the district level officials will decrease. The best part of local self-governance is, people will be able to practice democracy. It will also add more transparency and accountability in the present governance system.

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