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Pradhan Mantri Zero Deficit Zero Effect Scheme


This is a new initiative taken by the government of India. The scheme “ zero defect,  zero effect”  successfully launched by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.  The main aim of this game is to increase the productivity which is purely matching to the Global standards specifically for the micro small and medium enterprises which means MSME.


In the year 2014 the Quality Council of India design and formulated the scheme model and the entire scheme launched in the year 2015 as a pilot project in selected Enterprises. This scheme completely started as creating awareness in 30 cities of India,  where the complete ZED  model Working progress to monitor and to create a key role to play by the ZED  model. Connecting the dealers and International standard business entrepreneurs to get interact each other and also to get the overall business model to get interact all the time.


The Government of India provides various other benefits to the micro and medium enterprises for getting the products delivered on time and The maximum number of times the products should match with the standard set. The government also each and every time check the quality and standard levels of the Enterprises which are producing the products under the certification of ZED.  this means the oral product deliver is really a good amount of standards only.



The main objective of the scheme zero effect and zero defect is to  surface the products which are affecting the environment while the MSME sector is playing a vital role to rejuvenate the incremental progress of national GDP of India.  At the same time the MSME Playing a key role to produce environment friendly products as well. Based on the main object of the scheme, it encourages the products which are meet the standards of global Enterprises.

This scheme encourages all the micro and medium enterprises to produce the products which are purely at high quality and Standards set by the international standards. For maintaining high quality standards the micro and medium and phrases need to use the clear Technology in all the time.



Under the scheme all kinds of micro and medium enterprises should follow the guidelines which are made mandate to follow. These guidelines are designed and maintained by the zero effect and zero defect scheme authority’s  with respect to the international standards and guidelines provided.  The companies which are over the guidelines and follow the rules and instructions set by the Z scheme will get a certification along with various other benefits as well.


All these MSME  Enterprises boost window GDP growth of India and also playing a key role in setting up a good level of financial stability in the country as well.  Such a great new initiative taken by the Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi.


The Other benefits of ZED certification,

  • The complete operations under a process of streamlined and Alice to get the lowest cost
  •  Superior quality and highest revenue assured  and also the lowest possibility of rejection of the product
  •  Increases the social and environmental benefits to the organisation and the consumers
  •  Increases the employment benefits
  •  Low level of pollution and helps to reduce pollution  in  major metro cities like Delhi,  Mumbai and Kolkata.


The companies which come under MSME  Should have to follow the complete strict rules and guidelines which are provided by ZED. The end goal of the companies should be focusing on delivering the high quality products which should meet international standards.


Properties of the scheme

The Government of India support,  it helps to get funding and proper training to meet the standards set for international and also to bring out highest quality and eco-friendly products as well. As a scheme itself resembles the zero defect achieved by the standard quality. The Government encourages sustainable environmental friendly and development and progress of the  micro and medium enterprises to deliver highest quality standard products.


There are various parameters set.By the zero effect zero defect scheme enhance the quality product delivery to the international market and improving the conversion rate as well.  This elevates the complete benefits to gain by the product producers manufacturers and also the employees to get the complete benefits.


Points to remember

The main objective of the zero defect and zero effect scheme launched by the central government of India in the model given by the quality control of India to setup proper standards which are the standard parameters for delivering products and performing trade in international markets.  For this purpose to encourage micro and medium enterprises to deliver standard high quality products along with ecofriendly consideration,  under the scheme  the Enterprises will get the complete training program and workshop which allows the new business entrepreneurs to get the complete information and detailing about the International standard market and their requirements as well.


There are set of standard rules and parameters given to the selected micro and medium enterprises.  Based on the guidelines and the standards provided only the Enterprises need to produce the products.  By obeying the guidelines given the products which or sent for international market may not get rejected and most of the products will get approved.



This overall scheme encourages the improvement of GDP level in India and sustainable economic growth as well.  It also fetching the additional advantages like getting the more fonts and encouragement from Government of India and also increasing the share value in the financial sector and also  to generate employment as well.

The overall concept and incremental progress of the zero defect zero effect scheme is enabled to generate a prominent and sustainable development growth of the products which are really bringing a great value in international market.  the overall growth rate of the product value in economical country of India is really enhancing.  at the same time the overall encouragement providing to the micro and medium enterprises Giving a valuable growth progress of Indian GDP as well.


monitoring scheme progress and Standards given to the Enterprises who got the certification of ZED on periodical basis to enhance the credibility of those Enterprises products.  This ensures the maximum rate of accepting products and the least case of rejecting the products at international market.

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