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Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Sadak Yojana


According to the national road survey and international services India road sir more dangerous and deadliest roads in the world.  India has provided roads to connect across pan India.  In the survey itself identified that there are huge amount of spots are  causing  death.  To avoid such situations the government of India initially started  eliminate the dangerous spots majorly on highway roads.


Rupees 2000 crore are funded for the project to initially the repair and reduce the death spots exist on national highways.  Under the project they also identify the locations where the vehicles met accidents frequently and 2 degrees the accident ratio the road development authority doing various implementation programs which are for the betterment of highway roads.


Ministry of transport and highways taken up in the initiative to sort out the issue especially on which states where the mortality rate is very high due to the accidents in the highway roads and these spots are repeatedly causing  death accidents.  The government already involving the university level technical professionals for sorting out the issue and to fix  the problem  specifically in  sharp curves.



The whole project approved and working properly which is already approved by the ministry of roads and transportation.  The initial survey completed successfully and based on the report and statistical approach to proceed with are taking up the implementation process.

According to the survey reports more than 2.3 lakh people are made accidents in road traffic every year, report by the world health organisation.


Regarding the issue the central government seeking the completed all the states about the major causing roads and the reasons with complete detail.  The details include death causing road locations and what are the major causes made in a particular and also what additional modifications can be done in a particular location.

More than 780 locations of spotted across india which are causing the number of deaths. The complete analysis report given by the states will come under the central government national action plan for 2020 to reduce the accident deaths.


Properties of the scheme

It also offering the ranking and categorising the vehicles based on the safety levels taken in the vehicles especially for the cars.  This ranking helps the people to identify the best model and car to be used for high level of safety and security.  The ranking of the vehicle will be taken care by national car assessment program which is being set up with a complete infrastructure where testing and grading of a car will be taken place.


Based on the reports and analysis given by the Baharat national car assessment program the government of india imposes various safety precautions should be taken in the upcoming models or also for the existing models before sale. There are couple of new safety rules introduced by the central road and safety development authority especially for two wheelers. Under the sea safety rules, the two wheeler rider should wear the helmet in any location.  This can reduce the death causing situations in most of the cases.


The overall economic loss due to road accidents is between 2 to 3% and also causing social trauma, so transport issues and many other factors which are purely damaging the state and central economical situations for a while.



The main objective of the program is to develop a statistical approach which will helps in reducing the rate of accidents in national highways.  Under the scheme a survey department identifies various accident met  points  across india and then based on technical support the road and development authorities will take initiative to change and do necessary modifications accordingly.


This kind of scenario will help in reducing the death mortality on national highways and also improve the road safety level in india.  This scenario of national highway roads is very dangerous compare with other countries across the globe.  To overcome such situation, the of india started animation to to reduce the death mortality by using safety precautions to the vehicles and also the roads especially in national highways.



The hold road and safety survey concluded that the Indian roads are the deadliest roads in the world.  These roads are causing the number of death counts every year.  To overcome situation, the government of India taken an initiative with an immediate action buy funding rupees 2000 crore initially to repair the national highway roads.


Initially the road safety and development authority of india  provides the complete information about the roads and the death causing locations.  At the same time the state governments also have to produce the locations where the number of accidents are happening.  By comparing both the reports  the authorities will take a necessary action to reduce the accident account in that particular location.  In some cases the change in road directions and modifications also be done.



Simultaneously improving the vehicle performance and safety levels also helps in reducing the accidents in Indian roads.  For this program why Halloween national security assessment programming for cars taking an initiative each and every model which are exist in the india and based on the security levels implemented in those vehicles and what are the additional security features can be added,etc.


The whole information will be given to the national road safety authorities and also it provides ranking to the vehicles which are better in terms of safety and security features.  This will bring awareness in people before they used to purchase any vehicle and also the suggestions will be taken after the manufacturers to improve the safety levels as well.


According to the plan in action to reduce the death accidents in national highways, majority of the roads are already started taking initiative to repair and do the necessary actions to reduce the model.  By 2020 the government of India expecting a safety and better road transportation which will have the lesser amount of road accidents and also looking forward to get the betterment certificate from the world road safety service survey.


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