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Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan


The Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Mathru Abhiyan scheme was launched by Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare,  Government Of India.  The major aim of the game is to provide comprehensive  quality care of health,  fairness, antenatal care  to all the pregnant women  on every month  9th date.  Prime minister of India is to Narendra Modi highlighted the project scheme and its intention to start with in his ‘Man Ki Baat’ program on July 2016.


The designated health facilities and services will be given under the  scheme with a guaranteed minimum package to the pregnant women on there second and third trimester.  The entire program designed and started implementation program in a systematic approach for engaging private sector doctors to involve in the program by encouraging them to provide their services in the nearby government hospitals on every month 9th date.

According to the survey of India the mortality ratio of maternal is very high in 1990 by comparing the international mortality rate. By the scheme initiative and provide equality treatment to the maternal women during the period after pregnancy and by telling them to take the advantage of special antenatal package and quality services providing can reduce the mortality rate.  With this scheme initiative improved the overall  health awareness in all the pregnant women and the death mortality rate declined up to 70%.

Objective of Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan

The main objective of the scheme  to improve the quality and coverage of antenatal care which includes the counselling  services,  complete diagnostic services  for free of cost and also bringing the awareness about the child birth and  the significance  steps to take by the pregnant women during the pregnancy time.


Under the scheme it ensures at least once in ii and third trimester should visit a physician or specialist doctor consultation,  possibly for free of cost in the nearby hospital.  Improve the antenatal care by providing local ling specialist doctor services. Allowing pregnant women to avail  the special provisions provided under the scheme such as,

  • Nominal cost for diagnostic services
  •  Screening based on the necessity and the clinical condition of the women
  •  Strategic approach towards providing complete quality and clinical condition testing such as  anaemia,  hypertension,  gestational diabetes,   lower and back bone strengthen, etc.
  •  Providing a proper counselling to the pregnant women on various health precautions need to taken care of and change in lifestyle,  food consumption and also additional care have to be taken.
  •  Feasibility to avail the additional services even after missing to take in the duration of there antenatal visit
  •  Identifying the pregnant women who are at high in there risk of pregnancy and providing braces treatment and awareness for  reducing the complexity  during delivery time
  •  Appropriate planning and providing accordingly a complete healthcare services facilities to the pregnant women to improve the birthdate
  •  Special care and awareness will be provided by the doctors to the pregnant women who are having early diagnosis of various health complications like malnutrition.
  •  Special care on adolescence and early pregnancy and also image sure pregnancy.  Providing a proper systematic plan of living and new additions to consume to avoid pregnancy complications during the delivery time.



The complete antenatal care for a pregnant woman will be taken care by an expert doctor along with a complete case history will be recorded from the day 1 to  till the delivery. Search proper record maintenance will give a prominent report of a pregnant woman to ensure smooth and normal delivery to be happen.  Maintaining a complete case history is also make peace of understanding what kind of services and diagnosis are provided and what are the additional  diagnosis or services to be provided.

The major aim of the program is to increase the birth rate in India and to reduce mortality in  pregnant women. There are various reasons associated for the death mortality in pregnant women.  By considering the previous statistics along with the complete report,  the government of India  ministry of health taken initiative to start of  this game called Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan by focusing on various healthcare services,  diagnosis and awareness programs to provide pregnant women during the pregnancy  time.

 Properties of the scheme

The overall aim of the program is reaching very successful especially in the rural localities.  More than 70% of women are availing the benefits of the scheme and also visiting the nearest hospital for diagnosis and other quality healthcare services provided under the scheme. By offering special antenatal packages encouraging pregnant women to visit and avail the package services during the second and third trimester which is a very  peak time  for complete assessment of baby health in the womb.


By offering a minimum packages,  providing complete  investigations and doctor consultation for free of cost to the pregnant women breaking a quality healthcare service facilities.  Under the scheme they used conduct the various health awareness programmes by the local doctors and other healthcare experts and dietitians.  It allows people to avail the advantage and visit the nearby hospital for regular check up during the pregnancy time and to have a proper investigation to know baby health and finally a special delivery package is also provided.



Complete facilities in terms of health care to the pregnant women providing in urban and rural localities the help of local doctors support like visiting every month 9th date to the nearest government hospital for providing free service to the pregnant women and giving  quality healthcare.


It also offers various small and medium packages includes huge discount on medicines and the diagnostic services which are extend to the existing package.  Which means if any pregnant women liking with nutrition deficiency,  calcium deficiency and iron deficiency then  they can get  medicines for the lesser amount compared with the market price.


Gynaecology doctor will ensure pregnant women health condition and necessary nutrition to take on regular basis.  In case of any other complications exist with a pregnant woman,  the necessary actions to be taken will give details  by gynaecologist and also  make some  periodic visits mandate till health condition settles.

In majority of the cases the delivery is happening through labour only few cases are turning up for caesarean where the complications are very high.  This is also one of the great approachment towards improving healthy living cost a woman after the delivery.

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