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The Pondicherry Police will also modernize itself with the requisite equipment and machinery to meet the needs of today’s society and will, with the help of advances in information technology, march towards e-governance to provide rapid assistance to people in need. The well-being of police staff is discussed and all efforts to promote a safe and good lifestyle are made. The due focus should be placed on adequate preparation in order to develop the capabilities of the police force.

Police in Puducherry has launched a citizen portal to allow online complaints to be registered without visiting police stations in Puducherry’s Union territory. In addition to vehicle inquiry facilities, citizens can also use other essential services such as tenant identification, staff, domestic assistance and paying visitors, obtaining character certificates, and demanding permission to conduct gatherings, shows, marches, processions, and strikes. Online, they can monitor the status of their grievances.

Individuals have to register on the website and get a username and password to access online services. To register, they must have recognized proof of identification (driving license, PAN card, gun license, passport, ration card, and voter card) among others. The portal will direct individuals to register their names and receive a password and user name.


The complaint simply means a complaint against any person, either verbally or in writing, that he has committed an offense to be made before the magistrate, but does not require a police report. The First Information Report or FIR is a report written by a police officer in order to collect information about the commission of a cognizable crime.

In general, a case is filed by the person to whom the crime was committed. The FIR can be lodged by the person to whom the offense is committed, the person who knows that the offense has been committed, or the person who has seen the offense committed.



  • With the aid of online FIR, as opposed to filing a case at the Police Station, people would be able to file cases quickly.
  • People also feel afraid and anxious about going to the police station. They will be able to register on-line FIRs very quickly after this technique.
  • Registering an online FIR would be very convenient for women if you see the atrocities faced by women.
  • Police Incompetence and Evasion should not be discussed.



You can register your FIR with the Police Department online in Puducherry using the Puducherry Police online facility. Steps for registering FIR/reporting missing things with Chhattisgarh Police are as follows:

  • Visit Puducherry Police’s website by using the following link: citizenportal.police.py.gov.in
  • Push the CCTNS button
  • Select the For Citizens Button
  • Click on setup and register yourself with Citizen Login
  • Fill in the menu with details such as name, DOB, mobile number, address, proof of identity, etc.
  • Push the Submit button
  • Your user ID has now been established.
  • Go to the Button for People Now
  • Write Name of User
  • Enter Your Password
  • Write the displayed character in the Text Box
  • From the Menu, select language
  • Press the login button

The ‘support request number’ will be issued by the portal to validate the registration of a complaint. By furnishing the service request numbers, the complainants may also monitor the status of their complaints. The process for filing a complaint is fairly straightforward, but what needs to be seen is how online complaints will be replied to by the police.



  • Click on the link https://police.py.gov.in while visiting Google to open the police portal. Click on the FIR Copy Online.
  • After that, on the smartphone or computer screen, the option of the name and date of the district and police station appears.
  • Whichever FIR is lodged at the district police station, after selecting it, the date will have to be reported.
  • All the FIRs entered on that date will appear with the order upon clicking on it. There is also a printing and downloading option.



  • Complaint Registration
  • Tenant Verification
  • Character Certificate Verification
  • Event Performance
  • Request Protest / Strike request
  • Procession request
  • Employee Verification
  • Domestic Help Verification
  • C-Form Verification



The police department, which has provided training to 1,200 CCTNS police officers, will soon serve all of the 4,000 police officers in the region. Using their user IDs and passwords, all police officers can log on to CCTNS and review the complaints received online. The police department has suggested the introduction of a mobile application for women’s protection. In the event of an emergency, women using Android phones may use the application to contact the police.

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