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National Service Scheme (NSS)

National service scheme Launch date the year 1969  on Gandhi’s birth Centenary By adding 37 universities across India with a total involvement of more than 40000 students bye the Ministry of youth affairs and Sports Government of India.


The main aim of the scheme is to develop skills and raise the concerns about society through various types of community services.  Under the scheme, each and every student should be involved the major activities which are Run and should participate in.  Now there are around 32 lakh student volunteers spread across India under the scheme from 298 universities and 44 secondary councils and also directors of vocational education all over the country.  Till date, around 3.75 crore students from various universities, colleges, and Institutions of Higher Education have benefited from the NSS activities.


This scheme helps the higher educating students to learn and understand the basic needs and the activities which should focus as an individual, responsible citizen. Based on the activity and nature of work students have to participate and fulfill their roles and responsibilities. The activities are purely noncommercial, able to provide free of service to society with respect to off-location premises any other concerns.


The major activity forms under national service scheme are,

  • National Integration camp, The main aim of this camp is to the student forums and active NSS members and other students to involve in various social cause programs which will bring a prominent results in terms of society development.  This kind of camps will be conducted regularly by the local or National bodies of NSS.
  •  Blood donation camps, this is also one of the major social cause activity performed by NSS.  This activity perform by local colleges, Institutions or university level students group by selecting a location and encouraging students and other volunteers to donate blood.  In Association with locally established government or social welfare blood  Banks.  This is one of the high priority activity running successfully since from the day of its Inception.
  •  Plantation,  by NSS officials and student leaders, encourage NSS volunteers to plant trees in the locality of the surroundings,  any open area, or else by choosing a specific location this activity will perform.  This is also one of the continuous program schedules and is performed by local or National bodies.
  •  Immunization, Under this activity forum the NSS members schedule activities like,  awareness program,  health camps and free medicine, nutrition foods or medicine distribution.  This forum conducts small and big events on the occasion of health days to bring awareness on the importance of Healthy lifestyle,  vaccination,  basic medication, and required food needs.
  •  Shramdaan activity is aimed to give service to the society through various methods like,  cleaning the surroundings, and encouraging neighborhood people to clean the surroundings,  in some cases the students will go to a specific location for the purpose of cleaning,  plantation and making the environment for better usage.
  •  Disaster management, is one of the most crucial activities performed by NSS in critical situations where the need of human support is more important and also requires the basic help for the people.  In any unexpected situation or natural calamity the RSS team from the local bodies and also from National groups will it reach to the location and provide the services like The needs required on that particular location.
  •  Adventure programs,  the students who are enrolled in NSS may get a chance to participate in any of the adventure programs conducted by local or National body which involves trekking,  cycling or any other activity  which will  encourage students  to participate in various activities.  This will improve the kind of dare of the students and how to tackle the situation beach will come unexpectedly.



The main aim of NSS is to encourage students in India to participate in any other social cause activities and bring awareness on the common situations and responsibilities that need the involvement of every citizen.


Students can have a chance to serve the society at the time of their studies itself.


Benefits Of The Scheme Or Yojana

The major benefits with NSS scheme are,

  • Involving students the social activities
  • Encouraging students to understand what are the roles and responsibilities of a citizen
  • Improving the skills of the students to serve the society
  • Educating students about what are the services they can give to society
  • Various types of social activities and causes involved

Eligibility And Conditions Applying For The Scheme

The eligibility criteria for undergo the NSS is,  the student should appear at least  12th standard from the college,  university or any other educational institution.  By providing the basic information like name, details, contact number and the educational details a student can enroll in NSS and can participate in all the activities of NSS activity forum conducts.


In addition to this a student can also avail an identification and priority in his further studies even in the job openings.  The main reason behind this is to encourage the students to serve the society according to the feasibilities.

Contact Details – Some Important Links



The national service scheme (NSS)  purely non-commercial and provides services to the society.  Encouraging students to perform various social cause activities in the locality our national voice based on the need of service.

Its various social cause forum activities are designed and running purely for providing the possible services to the society with the help of students.  This scheme also brings awareness on social activities and roles and responsibilities of a citizen to serve to the society.  By encouraging students to participate in all types of social cause activities, students will get engaged with the activities and be motivated. Local and central bodies of NSS monitors and schedules various activities for the students to perform during their studies and in sometimes in the vacations also they need to participate. In emergency situation like any disasters happened, volunteers rush to the location to serve the people and control the situation.


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