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National Scheme On Welfare of Fishermen

National scheme on welfare of fishermen scheme is designed for the welfare of fishermen who are working and unable to procure  basic needs.   Under the scheme fisherman’s can avail loans for constructing houses,  welfare community halls and other common amenities further locality.  This scheme is purely designed and can avail only by the fisherman’s.  No other personal or individuals allowed for availing the scheme.


In addition to the scheme the fisherman can also able to avail other benefits like,  life insurance and development of modern fisher villages.  Accident benefits under group accident insurance can also claim under the scheme, in addition to that fisherman’s can also get saving come secure benefits.


The scheme is officially approved by ninth plan and tenth plan commissions with a funding of 120 crores.  The benefits under the scheme can avail by any fisherman are the groups across the india.


Under the scheme the eligible fishermen who belongs to marion sector or england can be provided by the basic amenities like commonplace,  safe drinking water,  houses.  The scheme benefits will be provided through state government or fish cooperative societies.  The land and other facilities everything will be provided under the scheme  by following the basic criteria.

  • Fisherman should be i identified unauthorised by the state government by allocating and identity to the fisherman.
  • The priority for allocation is purely based on the preferences and the considerations of,  below poverty and landless fisherman at first the remaining will be considered in second priority.
  •  The overall contribution will be bear by state and central government authorities.
  • For availing housing benefits,  the fisherman village should  not have less than 10 houses in the village and depending on the number of  fisherman lives in the village. The electrician will be proportional to the number of villages and the number of houses to construct.  House construction limits by 35 square metres and 40000  rupees respectively.
  •  For availing drinking water facility under the scheme,  the village of fishermen will be provided a tube well for the count of 20 houses.  1 tube well will be provided to the fisherman’s village which is having 10 houses and less than 20 houses.  The spending on a tubewell should not be exceed more than 30000 however rupees 35000 for the locality of north and east.
  •  In case of tubewell is not constable or appropriate for the location,  under the scheme the other it is will provide an alternative water source to the village.
  •  For availing construction of common community hall the eligibility criteria is,  the village should have more than 75 houses or else should not less than 75 houses.  The construction area of a community hall will be 200 square feet with an estimate cost of 175000/-.
  •  Under the group insurance for the fisherman,  the benefits will be issued based on the state government guidelines.  In case of a sudden death the sum insured rupees 50000 will be granted and for a permanent disability rupees 25000 will be granted under the scheme.
  • Fishcopfed also plays a major role at the time of group insurances and allocation of facilities like community hall and drinking water.
  •  Save income relief scheme under the scheme considers the minimum of 75 rupees collected from each fisherman for 8 months in an year which is a sum of 600 rupees,  and the government of central and state will contribute 50% of the total sum deposited by the fisherman which means 300 rupees per annum separately.  Which is the total amount of 1200 will be distributed in the lane 4 months of the period to the fisherman.

Objective & Eligibility And Conditions Applying For The Scheme

The main objective of the scheme is to provide a safe and secure life to the fisherman’s and also to allocate the common amenities and also provide a nominal amount for the survival prospective of the fishermen in lean period.

Required Documents

For availing the scheme, the fisherman’s should be identified by state or central government authorities by providing and identification card.  Is a fisherman added in fishcopfed  is also another added advantage for the scheme.


Official men should approach scheme officials to avail or else through fishcopfed  they have to approach to avail the scheme.  All this may take couple of days time to validate and get the approvals part.

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