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National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)


National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) Is majorly aiming to reduce the poverty in the poorest populations exist in rural locality. The scheme is initiated by the central government ministry of Rural Development,  Government of India with a specific focus on promoting self employment in rural poor populations.  This game is refined program of the existing Swarna Jayanti Gramin swarojgar Yojana.


This early scheme also   merging of integrated rural development programme and Ministry of Rural Development. SGSY  remodeled with a few addons in the program with having the same target and the principles.  The existing NRLM Was started in the year 2011 with a funding of 5.1 million dollars by the Ministry of Rural Development and it encourages rural population who are below poverty line and desire to come out from the poor. Under the scheme it encourages people to form a self help group any short form namely SHG  to extract the benefits of the scheme.



The complete information to form a group and the basic criterias which needs to be fulfilled by the group to avail on NRLM scheme will be guided by ngos and banking sector representatives and also other earning source guiding private sector organisations.The NRLM project is one of the largest and successfully funded government initiative taken till the time across the globe and also got identification from the World Bank and received a credit of 1 million dollars towards implementing progress of the program.  The scheme was very successful in all the rural localities buy Deen Dayal antyodaya Yojana in the year 2015.


Under the scheme the newly formed shg groups have to proceed towards, flip a new initiative ideas which will work on real time for generating income sources for the group and as well to the individuals.  Based on the ideology and the nature of proposed thought process and also the expected capital amount for the activity proposed for the income source will be monitored by the government or scheme related authority which needs to validate and approve the desired funding for the proposal.  Certain percentage of amount will be provided by this scheme authority’s and the remaining amount have to bear by the shg group in their own or else can approach private sector banks for the funding to the capital investment.


 Advantages of the scheme / benefits of the scheme

The national rural livelihood mission aiming to improve the financial sustainability for the rural population who are below the poverty line and considered as the poorest of the poor.  The people are desire to get out from the poor  economical status.


  • Under the  scheme the rural population initially have to set up a self help group by gathering few people
  •  This group should eligible for availing the scheme benefits means all the group members should be below poverty line or else belongs to scheduled castes in some cases people who are having a certificate which resembles the financially are economically weak or backward classes.
  •  Based on the information shared by the group members to NRLM can get the benefits like financial funding to the group
  •  Group members can also avail the scheme benefits by providing any other proposed income sources as an individual or else as a group.
  •  There is no proper monitoring our approachment in lateral stages by the government authorities or scheme authorities
  • The group members itself have to avail the scheme benefits 2 raise sustainability in their income sources by taking a step forward.  The livelihood lifestyle maintenance needs to sustain in a duration is the main focusing target of any of the group.


How to apply and Contact

People who are economically backward and having no proper income sources to maintain sustainable income facility as an individual or family can avail the scheme by forming a group with the same kind of people by fulfilling few basic things as guided by NRLM scheme.


People who are below poverty line with having a very less income facility or else zero income facility have to set up a group called self help group under the guidance of Gram Panchayat members or any NGO groups who basically guides the proper Structuring and implementation of  group activities successfully.


In next phase with the guidance given by the ngos and other economical resource developing authorities,  the self help group have to come up with a strategy kal idea which needs to a capital funding amount proposal.  This will be monitored  and reviewed by the NRLM and provide desired funding to the proposal.  The entire program needs no authorisation or monitoring after successful completion of capital funding share allotment to the group.





The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)  aiming to enable the accessibility of gainful employment skills and wages by the poor household  population in rural villages which is a very successfully running scheme and recognised by the World Bank and sanction a funding of 1 million dollars.


 Properties of the scheme

Under the scheme setting principles are managed very well like,  the poor who are capability skills Having and having a strong desire to come out of the poverty should be encouraged.  And external support system should be well organised to encourage search poor  individuals or households.  Unstructured skill building, facilitating the additional  requirements of a self help group,  providing credit funding and also providing access to the market to materialize their skills and abilities for generating income sources as an individual and a member of self help group.



Transparent and clear detailing of self help group activities will be provided to the scheme authority’s in respect to time durations which will help in further funding process and also to monitor the gainful growth factor of a respect to self help group.


The entire structure of the scheme and self help groups are purely meant for the financial growth and to reduce the population who are under below poverty line.  Improving the skills and abilities to print the content in rural population who are poorest of the poor.  By enabling the complete access to the scheme facilities and services will give added advantage to the self help group members to come up with new idealogy and innovative source of incomes.  The basic and complete structuring of the scheme succeeded in figure and allowing a great scope of projection as an individual and group of rural locality population.


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