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National Heritage City Development And Augmentation Yojana



India is well known as its historical and heritage culture worldwide.  India is a mix of various cultures, regions, traditions, and languages and  it is a home for the art and culture and also the mix of literature music,  architectural styles and handicrafts.  Each and every element is included in our culture and heritage.  Our culture explores the beauty and the betterment of advantages exist. To bring out the natural resources and the culture which is being neglected due to various reason,  the national heritage city development and augmentation yojana scheme was implemented by the government of India.

Many of the well-known cities in india which are ideal symbolic representations of Indian culture and art  are  lacking with the facilities and services to  maintain them.  There are various issues causing the major development process specifically in local and urban communities like,  urban planning,  livelihood,  delivery,  infrastructure building with an appropriate future planning in provision areas.  All this causing developmental progress are  leading to the negligence of heritage area.


This is also due to the overcrowded population in the locality and unable to facilitate the basic services and infrastructure to the population growth. Those locations are lacking with providing the basic amenities like toilets,  signage’s,  street lights, etc. The main aim of the scheme is to improve the basic facilities and services which needs to be take place with an immediate effect in heritage location by providing the common needs like, signage’s,  toilets and infrastructure.

To take an initiative there are couple of challenges which needs to overcome before get into the developmental progress.  There are few things first need to sort out like a proper planning which will not disturb other locations and assets of the heritage.  The framework  all the heritage area needs to be sought out and plan properly before get into the development process.

Properties of the scheme

In order to proceed with the proposed planning and taking the necessary actions towards improving the facilities and basic infrastructure in the heritage localities and also bring back the existence of vibrant cities, resorted challenges need to consider while processing with a new plan of approach.  This strategic approach will bring and unlimited potential growth in development of tourism and  heritage sector.  It also increases the modernizing services and infrastructure building which are also taking place in the planet self for providing proper facilities and infrastructure to the people who visit the locations of heritage city.

The ministry of housing and urban affairs along with the government of India launch the Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana scheme majorly focusing on the development and process of the heritage cities.  The major aim of the scheme is to preserve and restore the heritage city significance and reflect the uniqueness of the city and heritage area respectively.  Encouraging the heritage locality appealing and informative environment to bring the natural tree of the area.

The benefits

The scheme strategies its efforts in planning, development, implementation process and the managing to ensure the sustainable growth in particular location which are selected under the scheme  in  association with the state governments as well. It brings  the urban development and strategic planning and also the progressive for mental growth in heritage conservation in terms of  skills,  the livelihood,  security features,  cleanliness,  accessibility of the facilities and also  proper communication channels.

The scheme encourages partnership with state government, the local authorities ( public and private). The end goal of the program is to improve the basic infrastructure and facilities in the heritage areas with the combining of available technologies available and feasible.

 First Initiative

In the first initiative the program started as a pilot project focusing on the major heritage locations which are named as,  Amaravati situated in the state of Andhra Pradesh,  Gaya located in the state of Bihar , dwarka located in the state of Gujarat,  badami located in the state of Karnataka,  puri located in the state of Odisha,  Amritsar located in the state of Punjab,  Ajmer located in the state of Rajasthan,  Kanchipuram and Velankanni  located in the state of Tamil and,  Warangal located in the state of Telangana,  Mathura And Varanasi located in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

In this locality, under the scheme the basic focus on four areas which are namely institutional infrastructure development, economic and social infrastructure development,  physical architectural infrastructure development and reviving,  revitalizing the soul of the heritage city as well.

The listed cities have to prepare a plan by the local urban development authority along with heritage management plan for  the oral city developmental progress  and also the local public and private sector involvement to bring out the more credibility to the project.  The state government imports for the development of progress also considered.  The overall execution path facilitating the above-mentioned under the scheme will continue state and central government and also the public and private sector association as well.

To avoid negligence on heritage cities in India the government of India taken an initiative along with a program called national heritage city development and augmentation yojana


Improving the facilities and services in the locality like, infrastructure,  toilet, signages  and cleanliness are the major focusing elements under the scheme.  With an association with state and central and also public and private sector the scheme will continue by the central government authority.  The oral planning and contribution of the state and private sector will be considered under the scheme and the overall implementation process will be monitored by both sites.  Strategic planning and implementation of the development of progress will be taken care by the other management plan for heritage and central government assessment and planning along with any interested private sector planning or support.

The overall aim of the program is to bring out the originality of the heritage cities and the culture by allowing basic infrastructure building and revitalizing the soul of heritage city.  The major part in the development and progress of heritage cities will be taken care by the urban development and planning authorities which will be monitored by the central government authorities as well.  This pilot project have a set a time duration to complete accordingly to fulfill the these requirements.


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