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Mission Bhagirathi- providing safe drinking water to all


Mission Bhagirathi is a scheme which is designed and started implemented by the state of Telangana.  The scheme was launched by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.  The main objective and scheme implementation program is the idea of the chief minister of Telangana  Mr Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao. This is game was launched successfully in the year 2016  by the prime minister of India.


In the very first of the scheme launch,  started the implementation process in a selected localities in the state of Telangana where the drinking water facility is very poor and people are suffering to get the drinking water sufficiently.  With me a of time the mission run successfully and majority of the locations getting the drinking water facility without  facing any difficulties.  In an extension to the mission Bhagirathi,  the ministry of water supplies of Telangana state extended the program to all the localities across the state.



Under this program the survey department of the state sorted of the list of legs and small and medium reverse exist in  the state of Telangana.  Based on the survey report the state of Telangana ministry of river in association with the  water board  of the locality  the mission started very successfully in all other locations as well.  The overall funding for the mission Bhagirathi is there by the state of Telangana and  the central government is providing a nominal amount of funding to the project.



The main objective of the mission Bhagirathi is to provide at least 100 litres of clean drinking water to your person who lives in the rural locality and 150 litres per person who lives in urban localities.  The project estimated around 25,000 habitations and 67 urban habitations. The Telangana state minister Harish Rao is taking care of the entire project strategy, implementation and developmental progress.


Under the edams of the program various check dams and reservoirs and also water storage tanks  are  constructed by the mission Bhagirathi authorities. In addition to the existing proposed activities the additional pipeline project is also takes place under the program which covers around 500 km in 1st phase and in the second phase covers 5000 km.  It brings the connectivity of around 75000 km pipeline which gives the water connectivity from lower locations to the upper locations in the state of Telangana.


Details of the scheme

The Telangana water grid proposal is fetching the water resource available from the state Krishna and Godavari and also to lift water of 34000 million cubic metres and 21,500 million cubic metres respectively. The initial stages the government only where the complete spending on the establishing of water connection to all the villages and urban localities as well.  After successful completion of establishing and getting the consent. Then the government is going to fix rate price for the water connection and per litre based charges respectively.  The overall project estimated to complete within 5 years of duration where the overall benefits to need to reach all the rural and urban localities.

The complete program and its  aiming goals or reaching by the end of 5 years pan duration set by the state of Telangana.  The complete departments and the ministry level authorities are working towards reaching the goal  with very less amount of duration itself.


The state and central government seeking the complete report and the Telangana state program and its implementation of the program impress is the government of india authorities to check the program implementation and developmental strategies which can be applicable to various other states where the water facilities are very less and the connectivity of water is very poor.


Properties of the scheme

The mission Bhagirathi is a huge project which is estimated the cost of 40000 crores with an estimate duration for the completion is around 5 years.  The ministry of water and urban and rural development authorities are working towards the better progress in the developmental growth of establishing water connection in the region.


The enhanced set results are determining historical approach to develop water facilities in all rural and urban localities.  The program aiming to complete the schedule program with in the duration of 5 years and in less than 5 years all the rural localities which are listed around 25000 should need to connect with the water connection and also the other urban locality as well.


The central government also providing a nominal support to the state government of Telangana and also taking the overall inputs and strategies which are following by the state of Telangana.  The implementation and fetching the water from lower levels to the hill and upper levels establishing pipeline connections and pumping of the water by using heavy motors for saturn duration is also one of the major thought process designed by the engineers of Telangana state.  Lifting the water from lower canals to upper canals and store in the water at upper canal facilitating the water to all the localities.



The entire program designing and ideology by the chief minister Mr. Chandrasekhar Rao.  The strategy and development is performing by the minister Harish Rao and other departments.  The ministers of Telangana state by visiting all the rural and urban localities where the water sources are available and the small lakes are damaged and repaired to clean up and bring the  originality of the lakes. This big project handled by the state government is set an iconic project to the entire India and also bringing the complete infrastructure to facilitate connecting all the rural and urban localities.


This entire project as estimated to complete by the end of 2019 and more than 70% of the project completed and maintaining very well by the local authorities and also monitoring by the state of Telangana as well.  The entire successful rate of the progress is about 80 to 90%.  It also enhancing the program to construct pipelines and also constructing water tanks and check dams as well.

This entire program as named mission Bhagirathi the overall team is also working hardly to achieve that goal by themselves.  The incremental progress of the scheme is also very beneficiary to the local population and also reduces the water complications.  Based on the necessity the water facilitating will bring up the proper proportionate need and facility.

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