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Midday Meal Scheme

National Nutrition Assistance Program (NP-NSPE) for elementary education was started as a centrally sponsored scheme on 15th August 1995 with the aim of increasing enrollment, retention and attendance as well as to improve the nutritional level in children.

Program Objectives

The goal of this scheme is to solve two major problems of most children in India namely, hunger and education.

(i) Improving the nutritional level of the students of class I to VIII in Government Local Body and Government Assisted Schools and EGS and AIE centers and Assisted Madarsas and Maktabs under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

(ii) To help poor children of the disadvantaged sections regularly attend school and focus on classroom activities; and

(iii) Providing nutritional support to the children of primary level in the famine-affected areas during summer holidays.

Benefits of the Yojna:

Regarding the enrollment of more students and regular attendance of more students, midday meal on school participation mid-day meal there is a significant effect. Most of the children arrive at the empty stomach school. Children who eat before coming to school, they get hungry until noon and they cannot concentrate. Midday meals can also serve as the source of “nutritional supplements” for children and their healthy growth. It can also help in spreading egalitarian values because, in the classroom, children with different social backgrounds sit together and eat together. Especially in the Mid-Day Meal School, it can assist in eradicating the barrier between race and class among children. The gender gap in school participation can also reduce this program as it also helps in eliminating obstacles preventing girls from going to school. The Mid-Day Meal Scheme provides students with knowledgeable, Helps in emotional and social development. Well-planned mid-day meals can be used as an opportunity to introduce various good habits in children. This scheme also provides a useful source of employment to women.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development has written to the Education Departments of all the states for the purpose of coordinating with the National Rural Health Mission for the effective implementation of the National Child Health Program. The National Child Health Program is the new initiative of the Central Government, which aims to examine and manage children from birth to 18 years of age. Under this, including disability, deficiencies, diseases, and delays in the development of the child, including disabilities during birth.

In the year 2001, the MDMS cooked Mid-Day Meal scheme was created, under which every child of each government and the government-aided primary school had to go for 8-12 grams of protein per day and a mid-day meal with a minimum 300 calorie intake of energy. The scheme was extended in 2002 not only to cover the schools of government, government-aided and local bodies but also to the children studying in the Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) and Alternative and Innovative Education (AIE) centers.


For calculating effective arrangements for the planning of the scheme, the order number 1720/79-6-2007 dated June 15, 2007, daily income-expenditure account details of change cost, daily food stock register form, and compilation of information on Gram Panchayat level monthly information form. Arrangements have been made. Apart from this, Mid-Day Meal Register has been arranged at the level of the Director, Mid-Day Meal Authority, in schools, blocks, and district level so that accounts of food and change expenses can be correctly accounted for.

Required Documents for midday meal scheme:


  • Birth Certificates
  • Residence proof
  • ID Proof
  • Adhar Card


Details About the Yojna:

In September 2004, the scheme to cover the wages and remuneration payable to the employees of the agency responsible for pulses, vegetable oil, spices, fuel costs, and cooking; The rate per school day per child was revised to provide provision for central assistance for the cost of cooking. For the special category of the transport, the maximum amount of Rs. 100 rupees per quintal And Rs 75 for other states The quantity was also increased up to Rs. Central assistance was provided for the first time for the management, monitoring, and evaluation of the scheme at the rate of 2 percent of the cost of food grains, transport subsidy and assistance in cooking. A provision was also made to provide mid-day meal during the summer holidays in drought-affected areas.

Improvement in Mid-Day Meal Scheme

Under the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in the State / UT across the country, 25.70 lakh cook-assistants were given jobs. These assistants were revised the honorarium for this work from December 01, 2009 to Rs.1 thousand rupees per month and at least ten months in the year were given work. The cost of honorarium given to cookery-Sahyakkas for this work was raised at the average of 90:10 between the center and the North-Eastern states, whereas the average 60:40 was fixed between other states/union territories and the center. If the State / Union Territory wants, the contribution can be done more than the prescribed proportion in this work.

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is the largest scheme for providing food to the school, which includes 10.8 million children of more than 11.58 lakh schools in the state.

The new menu has been painted on the walls of the schools in 6 ‘x 8’ size so that transparency is maintained and the food being served is compatible with the menu or not, it can be well known.

Formulation of arrangements for conversion of funds received in the separate bank account of the village fund so that the expenditure can be kept accurate.

Contact Details:

To enlist the child under this scheme the parents can contact the Human Resources department of the Indian Government.

Some Important Links:



In the past, arrangements were made for the distribution of food grains that food was to be given in the month, food grains were accessed in the same month. In this system, there was a strong possibility that food could not be cooked due to a lack of access to food grains in the beginning of the month. Keeping this problem in mind, arrangements have been made to coordinate the food department, UP with the provision of transporting food grains to the school in the preceding month from the month of food distribution. On the basis of the implementation of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the classification of schools has been arranged. Various standards of grading are the quality, availability, availability of physical resources, cleanliness, relative presence of registration and maintenance of records etc.

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