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Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act – mgnrega, is well known act design for the purpose of encouraging rural employment scheme enacted in august 25,  2005.  This  scheme  brings  guaranteed employment for 100 days in every year.  This is came purely meant for the adult people  and household women who are also willing to work at a nominal and reasonable wage. The rural development ministry  or ministry of rural development (mrd) is holding the complete responsibility of monitoring entire scheme implementation and proceedings with associated state government authorities.


  1. The scheme is basically runs through state government authorities.  Wages to the employees will be issued by the state governments.  Basic audit of the works done  monitor buy rural gram sabha and gram panchayat officials.
  2. This scheme aims to provide a prominent platform to the rural unemployed economically backward people to secure their  financial status and also to bring guaranteed employment at least for 100 days period.
  3. The scheme bringing a new kind of social cause working method where the local adults will be involved to improve surroundings and improving conservation techniques.  Plantation.  Soil erosion and many more social cause works will be allocated by gram panchayat officials under the scheme for making betterment in environmental changes.
  4. The scheme totally designed and implemented under central government guidelines and also mounted by human resource development authority of india.



The main objective of the scheme is to provide a secure livelihood life for the people who lives in rural areas by providing at least hundred days of guaranteed employment in a respective financial year.  Specifically this game allows only adult or household women who are willing to work only.


Benefits of the scheme or yojana

The major benefits of the scheme is associated with the below mentioned,

  • Building a strong social safety for the adults who lives in rural locality
  • Safe and secure livelihood
  • Improving financial stability in rural villages
  • Sustain the economic growth and agricultural economy

Eligibility and conditions applying for the scheme

  1. Adult who are willing to work unskilled works  on ground can apply for registration through  writing an application or communicating orally at nearby gram panchayat
  2. After the due verification by  gram panchayat officials will issue a job card which will have applicant photograph of your household who is eligible to work under mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act – mgnrega.
  3. This entire process is completely free of cost,  no need to pay any registration or application fee at gram panchayat office
  4. Card holder should submit written application with start date of given work allotment, and the minimum employment have to be at least 14 days.

Required documents

  1. Basic requirements for availing mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act is,  the applicant identification proof like –  aadhar card,  voter id card,  ration card or else any other documents which are issued by government authorities are acceptable at local gram panchayat office.
  2. Local residential proof is also one of the factor which may not be mandatory but helps in free flow of proceedings.
  3. Irrespective of the above mentioned documents,  adult applicant can also proceed with filling an application at gram panchayat office with complete details like name, date of birth and economical status.  This application is also valid when the information furnished in the application are true and validated by gram panchayat officials only.

How to apply

Applying for the scheme is quite simple all needs to do is,  the adult from a household need to contact with gram panchayat officials in the locality and duly submit application for admitting in mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act  scheme.


  • After completion of verification of the application gram panchayat officials will issue guaranteed employment card within 15 days of the period from the date of application submission.
  • The work allotment will start from the  day 16 and the veg will be payable by the state governments.
  • Work allotment and employment will be in less than 5 km of the radius within a specific period of time to work in a day scheduled as per the norms.
  • In case of the work allocation beyond 5 km radius,  additional 10% of wage should be payable  proof employee for transportation and living allowance.
  • The wages will be paid as per the norms furnished under act 1948.the daily wage should not be less than 60 rupees.
  • At work location,  supervisor should provide facilities like,  drinking water, shed and crunch.
  • More than 50% of work allocation will be done by the local gram panchayats.
  • Soil  conservation,  afforestation and other land development works will be allocated by the gram panchayat.

Contact details

At the time of work allocation offer applying,  adult have to approach local gram panchayat office.  Gram panchayat office officials will provide respective supervisors or employers contact details once application accepted successfully and issued employment card.


Some important links




Mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act scheme purely designed for improving rural locality economical growth and also to guarantee employment for at least 100 days in a financial year. The act was initially designed and implemented only in 200 districts in 2006 2nd february,  letter the program extended to 130 districts. In the same manner the scheme extending and working full flash lee in most of the states and providing secure economical growth to the rural adults who are willing to work at non skilled jobs.


Social audit other works allocated will be done by gram sabha and also gram panchayat officials periodically,  the oval scheme monitored by hrd of india.  Irrespective of other criterias  rural locality adults from households can join in the program and can sustain the economic growth of the family and also for encouraging overall development of rural development scheme.

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