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Lucky Grahak Yojana


As an initiative taken by the government of India to combat corruption and black money  from the last Two and half years.  There is a couple of steps taken toward change in the system at the process of transactions Made in India. Total concept of Central government authorities is to control the money transactions and each and every group Another account.

This program has an initiative, the Government of India launches a program in the year 2016 to encourage people to turn into the digital payments and reducing the usage of cash transactions in a statistical manner.  This information And statistical approach   revealed  by the Prime Minister of India in his Mann Ki Baat program in May 2016.  The  prime minister of India personally requested people to adopt cashless transactions and turn off into the digital transactions to make each and every transaction transparency and to avoid the corruption and black money.



The results of the program a sustainable growing towards turning the population in transaction,  specifically targeting the population of middle class and  lower  middle class. The National Institute of  transforming India launches Award best scheme which focusing on encouraging people towards digital transactions.

The Niti Aayog launched schemes purely to encourage people by avoiding cash reward to the people who are using the cashless transactions.  This also applicable to the merchants who are Consumer to turn off into digital transactions as well.  The scheme focusing on bringing the middle class,  lower middle class and poor population to utilise the scheme benefits and turn into the digital transactions .


Scheme launched in 2016 25th December as a gift of Christmas Eve leading up to the 14th April 2017.  The scheme comprises the benefits to the two categories for the consumers and merchants.  Under the lucky Grahak Yojana  the daily reward of rupees 1000 will be given to the consumers of 15000 lucky winner.


Properties of the scheme

The duration of availing the benefits is 100 days.  The weekly price of Rupees 1 lakh,  10000 and 5000 for the consumers will be rewarded in Alternative modes of digital payments.  Translation only goes through UPI,  USSD, AEP  and Ru Pay  only comes under the consideration to the scheme,  no other mode of transactions like credit card payments,  ewallet transaction will not be counted under the scheme benefits.


The Megatron of the scheme in 14th April on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti which is covering 3 Mega prices for the consumers worth of Rupees 1 crore,  50 lacs and 25 lacs respectively. The lucky winners  shortlisted based on the transactions made between 8th November 2016 to 13th April 2017 and the winners announced on 14th of April 2017, This is purely for the consumers who made digital transactions in the duration period mentioned.


The same kind of announcement given to the margins as well,  3 Mega prizes worth of  rupees 50 lakh,  25 lakh,  12lacs for the merchants  who made the digital transactions between 8th November 2016 to 13th April 2017 at the same scenario the announcement of winners  was announced in 14th April 2016.



According to the statistics given by the state and Central Government,  more than 1500000 consumers are avail the benefits of the scheme and received the Price amount.  More than 90000  merchants are also received the Price amount under the scheme benefits.  Estimation of spending on encouraging the digital transactions till 14th April 2017 is about 340 crores and based on the review and people encouragement towards converting into the digital transactions the amount will be continue.


 Eligibility criteria

  •  All the consumers and mother Utilise the scheme benefits who have performed the transactions from November 8th 2016.
  • People who are using rupay card,  Bhim app,  UPI  and USSD are eligible to avail the scheme benefits.
  •  The transactions should be between Rs 50 to Rupees 3000.
  •  The daily reward of rupees 1000 will be given to 15000 lucky winners and it will continue till 100 days  duration
  •  Weekly prizes worth of Rupees 1 lakh will be given to Call customers
  •  3 Mega prices of Rupees 1 crore,  50 lacs and 25 lacs will be awarded To the consumers who made the transactions between 8th November 2016 to 13th April 2017.


Importants points to remember

The Government of India new initiative to turn the population into digital transactions for the main aim of encouraging people towards digital transactions and made every transaction complete transparency and also to avoid Corruption and  black money.


The Prime Minister of India himself declared the scheme and and also the benefits of the scheme in his Mann Ki Baat program the year 2016.  At the same time to encourage the people to convert into the digital transactions the prize money awarded by the  NITI Ayog. The national Payment Corporation of India is the sole authority of monitoring the whole scheme benefits and identifying the lucky enough as well.


Based on the transactions Identification number of each transaction the consumer will be benefited with the award of cash prize given  under the scheme.  To encourage merchants also the scheme extended the awarding points to the consumers as well based on the transaction type and the other benefits covered under the scheme.



The overall translation rate and restrictions are made to the individuals online transactions between rupees 50 to 3000.  Which means a user transaction should start from rupees 50 and the maximum transaction should be lesser than 3000 rupees and as mentioned the payment should go through given applications which are linked with the bank account.  Any transactions which are made through the credit card and IELTS will not be considered under the scheme.  Based on the Transaction ID the lucky winners will be announced.

The transactions of amount should be done through the payment approaches only to avail the scheme benefits.  The transactions which are made through rupay,  Bhim app,  UPI app and USSD  are only applicable to get the scheme benefits.  There is no encouragement given to the transactions which are made through the credit card and Evelyn from all other public and private sector apps.  Which means only the available credit limit in the users bank accounts are comes under the accounting where as the other card mode of transaction will not be considered under the scheme.


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