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The Uttar Pradesh Dairy Scheme is based on one of the country’s states, Uttar Pradesh Agriculture. In UP, 68% of the population lives and rises in the village. Along with animal husbandry, there is also a means of industry and subsistence.

UP is a rich state in milk and milk products, which is why a large part of the population turns to milk production. In the year 2013-2014, UP produced 241.99 lac metric tonnes of milk, which is why UP is in the first place. But if we compare the cost per animal, we know that the household cow’s milk output is 2.5 ltr, but the percentage of production is double in Haryana and Punjab, then if we speak about Buffalo, every buffalo gives 4.4 ltr of milk, but in both cases, the ratio is double in Haryana and Punjab, the ratio of production of UP sub-animal milk is lower than that of Punjab and Haryana.

Kamdhenu Yojana To Gopalakrishna Yojana

The UP government has halted Yojna’s Kamdhenu dairy farm or we may say that the name has been changed. Now the Yojana of Gopalakrishna has come to its location. Uttar Pradesh, the Chief Minister, initiated the Gopalakrishna Yojana. A few modifications have been introduced in the Gopalak Yojana as so far the Mini and micro Kamdhenu Under the Kamdhenu dairy farm were the schemes now according to the new government the subsidy offered to the citizens would be reduced as previously a subsidy of Sum 25 lakhs was given to the owner of the cattle now it’s been decreased to 9 lakh rupees and under which a loan of 7 lakh will be provided to the owner of 10 MILCH ANIMALS.

Objective Of Uttar Pradesh Kamdhenu Dairy Farm Yojana

  • Ensuring the supply and production of high output capability animals in the state
  • To establish centres of excellence for highly active milk animals in Uttar Pradesh
  • Ensuring the potential supply of cattle and high-quality animals

Features Of Uttar Pradesh Kamdhenu Dairy Farm Scheme

  • Under this Yojana 100 milk, cow/buffalo milk units will open.
  • Only hybrids, jersey, HFF and Sahiwal will be housed under the milking category.
  • The animal keeper will determine if both cattle, or cows or buffalo, will be in one unit to coordinate one unit of 100 milk animals. But one breed of cattle needs to be in one cell.
  • All animals will be imported from an external state,
  • The beneficiary should have 2 acres of land to establish the job.
  • The overall cost of the unit is 121.52 lac, which includes the purchasing of 100 milk cattle and cattle house, grain warehouse procurement, dung gas factory, feed mix plant, etc.
  • 7% of the unit’s overall expense, 25% of the value of 30.38 lac beneficiaries will be given as margin money and 75% of the balance will be earned from the loan.
  • The expense of the bank scheme or the loan earned from 75 per cent of the recipient, which is less than 32,82 lac, shall be reimbursed by the State Government at a rate of 12 per cent interest in the form of a maximum sum for a term of 5 years.
  • The Department of Animal Husbandry has been appointed as the Yojana Nodal Officer.

Advantages Of Kamdhenu Dairy Farm Yojana

  • In the province, an additional output of 225.00 lac litres of milk per year is estimated
  • In 5 years per unit, the livestock keeper will make a net profit of Rs 208.00 lac.
  • Livestock keepers can have animals eligible for the productive potential within the province.
  • It is possible to generate 80 units of electricity every day.

Loan Amount Of Uttar Pradesh Gopalak Scheme

You can apply for the Gopalak scheme if you are interested in starting a Dairy, as the Raya Government makes it possible for Dairy farmers or owners to improve their business by providing them with financial assistance in the form of bank loans. Under the Gopalak program, you may apply for a bank loan. The loan will be given in the form of two instalments to the aspirants. As a borrower, 40k a year would be given as a loan sum for 5 years. This will enable young people who are unemployed to start their own company by losing the profit of the system.

How Is The Uttar Pradesh Gopalak Yojana Going To Work?

  • The aspirants will be paid 1.8 lakh for the 10 animals to open the dairy farm under the scheme.
  • For the 5 cattle from the banks, the borrower would be liable for the loan at 3.60 lakh.
  • If required, the borrower can also apply for a second instalment loan.
  • The borrower can take advantage of the 9 Lakh loan under the loan from the Gopalak scheme.
  • Per animal cow or buffalo will get a grant of 20k, then if you have 5 cows, you will get a total of 1 lakh and you will get 2 lakh for 10 animals.
  • The payment will be provided in the form of an instalment and, as stated, 40k will be provided per year for 5 years.

Eligibility For UP Gopalak Yojana Cooperative Scheme

If you are interested in applying for the Gopalak Yojana, you should be aware of the eligibility requirements for you to meet the eligibility criteria set out below if you choose to apply for the Gopalak Yojana form. Have a look at the points that are offered below.

  • You have to represent it in the letter of Bonafide, as though you are to submit.
  • The person who is applying for Gopalak should be unemployed.
  • The candidates should be permanent citizens of the state of Uttar Pradesh.
  • The system should not be extended to citizens from other nations.
  • You must have at least 10 cows or buffaloes to get the loan under the Gopalak scheme.
  • Aspirants can hold a limit of 20 species.
  • You must be due at least 5 animals before qualifying for the scheme.
  • The government would have only partial financial support for the Gopalak scheme.
  • Just those candidates with a willingness to run the firm qualify for the scheme.
  • The salary of the candidate for the scheme should be no higher than 1 Lakh Rs. Yearly.

Necessary Documentation For The Gopalak Scheme

If you are interested in applying the Gopalak system, then you should have the documents specified as follows, since these are the documents that you would be asked for if you are to apply the Gopalak system of Kamdhenu now.

  • The claimant should have an Aadhaar card that is legitimate.
  • Proof of family wealth, such as a financial account.
  • Evidence of the caste, such as a caste certificate, certificate of reserved rank.
  • A failure by either of the banks need not be the claimant seeking Gopalak.

Selection Of Animals For Gopalak Scheme Loan

In the Gopalak Yojana type, the animal to be chosen for the Gopalak yojana should be that the points mentioned below should be fulfilled if you are to apply for the Gopalak Loan scheme.

  • The animal can be obtained from the fair of cattle.
  • Milk should be supplied by the purchased animal.
  • The animals purchased should be stable and should not have any sort of illness.
  • For the first and second rites, the purchased animal should provide 8 to 10 litres of milk per day.
  • All the animals will be guaranteed by the Gopalak scheme.

How Can You Apply For Gopalak Yojana UP Cooperative Scheme?

You can apply for the scheme by using the steps given below to implement the Cooperative Scheme in UP or the Gopalak Yojana form. Verify the steps given below.

  • You must visit the medical officer in your area first to get the application from him on your behalf.
  • That request will then be sent by the medical officer to the veterinary officer.
  • The request will then be submitted to the headquarters.
  • The team appointed at the headquarters, such as Nodal Officers or CDO, will then check the information and the request you have submitted.
  • Then the loan will be approved and, under the Gopalak scheme, you will get the loan from the cooperative in UP.

Contact Support

You can inform the medical officer near your area if you encounter some trouble with the Gopalak scheme loan. In the comment box below, you can also comment on your problem regarding the scheme. We will try to solve the problem for your convenience.

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