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Janani Suraksha Yojana

Janani Suraksha Yojana For Indian Mothers and Newborn

Janani Suraksha Yojana is a Hindi term which means Mother Security Scheme.


This is a scheme which was known to have proposed by the Indian Government. It is said to have launched on 12th of April 2005 which was launched by the Prime Minister of the Indian Government. The name of the Indian Prime Minister in 2005 was Mr. Manmohan Singh. The scheme was launched by the Indian Prime Minister in order to decrease the maternal and neonatal deaths which are and is happening all over the country. This is done by promoting the institutional deliveries of the babies in the country. This is known since 2005 to be the safe motherhood intervention under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).

This scheme is known to be a 100% centrally sponsored scheme. This scheme is known for integrating cash assistance with the delivery of the child and also the post-delivery care of the child. The success will be determined by the Indian Government of the scheme by the increase in the number of the institutional deliveries of the babies among the needy and poor families. This scheme was introduced to ensure the safety of the mother and the child concerned in each case.

Background on Janani Suraksha Yojana:

It is said that around fifty-six thousand (56,000) women in India every year die due to the complications related to their pregnancies. Similarly, each and every year more than thirteen lakhs (13,00,000) infants are said to be dead within the age of just one year after their birth. And, it is known by a survey that out of all these children two-thirds (2/3) of the infants are declared dead just within one month (four weeks) of their birth. It means that they die only when their life has just started. The survey approximately says that the death rate is more during the one week old of the child and it is known that the child dies within just an age of one week. 75% of the infants are known to be dead on just the one week old of the child. The majority death rate is said to occur in the very initial stages of the infant’s life, which is just two days from their birth.

This scheme was introduced by the Prime Minister of the Indian Government just because to decrease and eliminate the rate of the maternal and infant death. As the death rate has increased a lot in number, therefore the Indian Government had taken steps.

This is controlled under the Reproductive and Child Health Programme under the National Rural Health Mission (NHM), and which is known to be implemented so that the promotion of the institutional deliveries can easily go on. They are in need of the skilled attendance so that at the birth time it is easily available and the women and their infants can be saved without any hindrances from the issues related to complications of pregnancies which has the consequences of death.

There are many initiatives that have been launched by the Ministry of Health and the Family Welfare (MoHFW) which include the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) a key intervention that has the resulted to the phenomenal growth in the institutional deliveries. This means that the institutional deliveries are now increasing among the poor people at least up to some extent. The Janani Suraksha Yojana was introduced for the safety and security of the infants before birth and also after birth. The women are taken care of by the Scheme of the Indian Government. This has been helping the needy ones.


The main objective that the Janani Suraksha Yojana has aimed for is the mortality of the child and the mother by the promotion of the institutional deliveries among all the poor families and the pregnant women.


Target group and benefits:

The women in the families which belong to the below poverty line (BPL) households and lies in the category of Scheduled Tribes are the main target of the Janani Suraksha Yojana. Under this Janani Suraksha Scheme (JSY) introduced by the Indian Government, the women who all are pregnant, are entitled to receive cash assistance from the Indian Government, which is irrespective of their age of the pregnant women, the number of babies she is carrying inside her womb, and the number of time she is giving birth to an infant, which is in a government or private facility of health.

It is said that the Indian Government provides the performance-based incentives to the women and the volunteers of the health-related facilities. They are known as ASHA, (Accredited Social Health Activist) for the further promotions of the institutional deliveries among the needy and poor families, for the women who belong to the below the poverty line and are pregnant. This is the policy to give the infants a safe live after the delivery.

Under this initiative by the Indian Government the women those who are to get the benefits the Janani Suraksha Yojana, benefit directly goes to the bank accounts of them. The high expenses those are out of the budget and are out of the pocket are borne and taken care off by the Indian Government under the health scheme of the Janani Suraksha Yojana. The expenses of the deliveries like the tests, the diet, the diagnostic charges and the drugs required before and after delivery are borne by the Indian Government under the health scheme of Janani Suraksha Yojana.

This scheme has cash assistance for the women belonging to below poverty line.


The Indian Government Health Schemes in India has been serving the needy ones for a long time. The person who had to take help and the families too are satisfied with the services they have been rendering throughout these years of need. The urban and rural areas both get the benefits of the Janani Suraksha Yojana health scheme introduced by the Indian Government.

It has saved thousands of lives of the infants and also helped to keep the pregnant women safe and sound before and after delivery.










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