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Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana

Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana

The Ministry of women and child development department (The Government of India) is implementing a scheme which is centrally sponsored called Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY). This scheme is basically for pregnant women. The goal of this scheme is, improve the health position and nutrient status of the women. Within this scheme, a pregnant woman can able to check up their health and they will also get cash incentives. It will encourage the women to visit doctor and check up their health properly. Using the integrated child development services scheme, it is being implemented.

When the scheme was introduced and its purpose?

This scheme was introduced in October 2010, now it is included 53 districts in India.  Pregnant women or beneficiaries are able to get total Rs. 6000 (in two installments). They will get the money through the bank account directly.  In the seven or nine month of the pregnancy, a woman can able to get first installment Rs.3000 and second they will get after six month of delivery. Another important factor is, all the government employees are excluded from this scheme because they are already entitled with the paid maternity leave.

It delivers partial wage recompense to women for salary loss during pregnancy and childcare and to give conditions for secure delivery and good food and nutrition practices. It delivers cash motherhood advantage to the women. It helps women to buy good foods and nutrients to get good health.

Object of this scheme

This IGMSY has some objects which Indian government wants to fulfill, like –

  • Pregnant women and after delivery, mother and baby can get better nutrient and food.
  • It will encourage the women for breast feed for first six month and it will improve the nutrient standard in the body.
  • During the pregnancy, this scheme helps every house to take care the pregnant women properly.

Who can get benefit from this scheme?

In our India, 19 or above age girl or women who are going to deliver their first or second birth, they are eligible for this scheme. Currently, there are 50 districts where this scheme is already stated and they aim to reach above 200 after 2017-18. A woman can able to get total Rs. 6000 during the pregnancy. But they will receive it with two installments. First is during pregnancy and second after delivery. To know more details, you can visit the panchayat office or local office area where they will instruct you properly.

There are some criteria which you need to fill up to get the money, like –

  • You have to register through the Anganwadi Centre (AWC) and not more than 4 months of conception, and then you can able to receive your first installment. To get this amount, mothers have to attend one prenatal care session. Mother has to take iron folic tablets and TT and she has to attend one counseling from any Government health care center.
  • And second installment you will get, if you register your children’s details, birth details, immunizes the child OPV or BCG at different intervals like 6 to 10 weeks. She also has to attend minimum 2 growth monitoring session in the first 3 months after the delivery.
  • After delivery, mother has to attend minimum two more growth monitoring program within 3 to 6 month. And she has to breastfeed for 6 months constantly.
  • The modalities of cash shift are determined by the State Governments/Union Territories.

How to apply for this scheme?

If you know anyone in the rural area, where are pregnant, just helping her by providing the information about this scheme. There are several people in our country who are unable to get good food and nutrient during the pregnancy. Due to the poor financial condition, they are unable to provide good food to their women. To maintain good health and nutrient, Government has introduced this plan for the people who are poor.

A pregnant woman can able easily to register her in this government scheme. You can contact with the District Programme Officer in-charge of the ICDS Cell or Contact to Deputy Director. This scheme is sponsored by the central Government. You can search your local area to know whether your district is entitled with this scheme or not!

Make the better future of India

Indian Government always wants to make their India better. In our rural district and villages, there are lots of people still they are unable to earn money and unable to maintain their lives normally. They even don’t know education and the standard culture and habits. To make them educated, government already introduces several learning center, health care center and other essential things. We educated people also need to raise our hand and stand beside them to make our future better. It’s a best way to encourage our rural people to move forward.

This scheme not only encourages the pregnant women but their family to take care properly. During the pregnancy, she has to attend some counseling which provides her proper information and advice how to maintain her health and how to take care her baby. These seminars provide important massage to the pregnant women specially who are young (19 and 20 years). She should know how to take care herself to get better result. To know more details about this Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana, just visit their Government online site or visit your nearest office.

Its main object, promote appropriate practice during the pregnancy, how they should care themselves, delivery and lactation details, etc. Visit the nearest Government office and register pregnant women about them and follow some rules and regulation to get the first installment. After that, after delivery, again need to follow some basic rules and regulation to get the better result and second installment money. The terms and condition may change year to year as per the situation. So, in this year, you have to confirm about the terms and condition and then proceed.



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