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Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)


India is a rich country which is having a diversifying natural and holistic culture with a great resource of holistic and natural locations.  It is a combination of different traditions,  religious and home for different types of Art and handicraft,  literature,  style of architecture and music, etc.  India is a high Explorer towards projecting all kinds of natural and holistic resources across the globe. India is one of the finest and largest country which is having a great exposure to the culture and handicrafts especially.


The past culture of India  carrying to showcase future generation  by maintaining the sustainability towards maturity of the culture.  There are hundreds of cities and towns which are carrying out the past and great Indian culture for future generations maintained by rural and urban development authorities.  Due to lack of aggressive support and implementation towards protecting the past and culture of India many of the cities and towns are neglecting the culture and past footprints.


There are many reasons behind such a situation like the urban cities are overcrowded,  inadequate with the basic services and infrastructure such as water,  roads and  sanitation.  The basic amenities which are necessary like sinuses toilets street lights are missing,  the main reason for the situation is due to the many Institutions or organisations undertaking a single location where there is no significant growth towards providing the basic amenities to the population and protecting the culture footprints.

In order to avoid such circumstances and being back those historical monuments cities vibrant,  A planned approach towards sustaining the culture In the cities and towns is Mandatory. For this reason,  the Government of India  Ministry of housing and urban affairs launch a program called Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) scheme.

The main aim of the scheme is to not just protecting the monuments which are located in a city or Town or else bringing back ekraft our culture to its original state, apart from this  under the scheme iith aims to work towards a proper strategy,  planning and implementation to maintain the sustainability of a city or town towords  the culture and the crafts.

Properties of the scheme

Adult scheme it brings the Urban Planning Commission and the other supporting departments under one roof to collaborate as a team for maintain Holistic approach mint towards Heritage culture in cities and towns.  It focuses  in all factors for a better society like  cleanliness,  security,  accessibility of basic amenities and services,  special approachment words livelihood,  skills to improve,  Institutions and communities along with the combination of Technologies which are affordable and accessible.

Contact details

Initial stage under the scheme the implementation part taken into progress in the top 12 Heritage cities which are namely,  Amravati located in Andhra Pradesh,  Gaya located in Bihar,  Dwarka located in Gujarat,  Badami located in Karnataka,  Puri located in Odisha,  Amritsar located in Punjab,  Ajmer located in Rajasthan,  Kanchipuram located in Tamilnadu,  Velankanni located in Tamilnadu,  Warangal located in Telangana,  Mathura and Varanasi located in Uttar Pradesh.

In the above mentioned localities the scheme usually focusing on specific themes which are namely improving the physical infrastructure in the City and the locality itself,  institutional infrastructure development,  social and economical infrastructure for reviving the soul of The Heritage City.  This identified cities should have a heritage management plan along with all city or town development and execute project details which your name recall detailed project reports for availing all the scheme benefits through the empanelled agencies of the city or town  along with special purpose of vehicles public and private sector undertaking and the managing  level of authority.

The complete funding for the project Planning implementation and for the replacements will be done by the central government only.  The oral duration for  the project to complete in a respect to city or town is 4 years which means from the December month 2014 to March 2018.

 Eligibility criteria for the mission

HRIDAY is a  Central scheme which is majorly focusing on various factors of cities and towns which are situated in India specifically the  cities which are holistic and heritage monuments.  Due to heavy crowd and poor infrastructure the footprints of past culture of India and heritage significance of a particular place our location is lacking  in terms of providing the basic amenities and facilities to the population.

There are various reasons behind the lacking of providing abilities to the population.  To overcome such situation the Government of India introduced a scheme called Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) scheme  which is meant for the overall developmental growth of a city or town which are identified as Heritage cities by the central government itself.  Which is a collaboration of rural and urban authority’s of a particular City or town the complete   strategy, planning  and implementation process will be taken care by the HRIDAY.

Under the scheme particular rural or urban localities will be improved in terms of facilitating the basic abilities like,  drinking water,  signages, Street lights add full fledge drain system in the locality  and also restoring the past Old monuments which are exist in the locality.  That a project duration period for completion of selected Heritage cities to improve in all kinds of infrastructure and facilities is 4 years which means by end of March 2018,  the proposed facilities and services should be fulfilled another scheme.


The rural and urban development corporations and supporting departments should involve in the project to monitor and provide complete detail towards preparing a plan which will be a master copy for the development and progress in a respective City.  According to the master plan only all the activities which are progress in the cities will be done.  As a first part the basic amenities implementation development will be taken care by the rural or Urban Development authorities specifically in the location of holistic /  Heritage monuments exist.


In Association with the private sector are related services can also be availed in the scheme to improve the developmental progress with a short period of time.  The oral improve mental growth in a particular City will be monitored by the central Heritage and cultural department and provides the complete guiding to proceed.  Another plant each and every element will be counted which dates to follow by the urban and rural development authorities along with the department speech needs to provide their support towards fulfilling the plan.


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