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Beti bachao, Beti padhao yojana


The disparity and inequality of sex ratio between men and women is quite embarrassing but nothing new even in the twenty-first century. Especially, in emerging economies female feticides and many other heinous and other unspeakable rituals, and atrocities are practiced with full glory. From the beginning of time women are subjected to patriarchal domination but now things are changing gradually in most of countries. The governments of almost all the countries have made special efforts to deal with gender inequality and in the developing and emerging economies a lot is still left undone.  The Beti Bachao Neti Padhao Scheme happens to be one of the new initiatives taken by the government under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi that is offering effective results now.

These are some of the key aspects of this scheme: –

  • The Beti bachao, Beti padhao yojana was initiated in the year 22nd January 2015. Initially it was an awareness program to educate the extremely rural of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Punjab and Bihar. These are some of the sates of the country that this program targeted.
  • The census data indicated that the child ratio in India was 933 girls per 1000 boys, but in the year 2011 this changed significantly. The ration dropped and it was 918 girls for 1000 boys. The prime minister addressed the people of the entire country through Mygov.in and asked to stop the female feticides.
  • This scheme addresses basically the difference between the sex ration of boy child and girl child all throughout the country.
  • Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfareand the Ministry of Human Resource Development are responsible for this scheme. These sectors are responsible for the betterment and the enhancement of this scheme.

Major objectives

The first and foremost reason of devising this scheme by the central government is to educate and girl children and save them. And apart from these stopping the rapes and the other heinous crimes against them is definitely one of the reasons. Liberation of the women from the shackles of traditions and rules and customs is extremely crucial at this very juncture in a developing economy like India. The women can attain proper empowerment only through proper education. Only education can and will make them eligible for higher education and any job around the globe. So the major objective of this scheme is to make all girl child educated so that they can choose their paths according to their wishes.

As a matter of fact due to this scheme the school fees of the girl child has been waived at the government schools. They can study at any government school without worrying about the money. Apart from these, the government schools are also providing the mid-day meals to attract more children.

The benefits of this scheme

Stopping the female feticides for good and educating the girl child is one of the most crucial ventures of the government. It is almost successful in many states but not all. Nevertheless, this scheme aspired to eradicate the gender based discrimination in the society. A girl child should receive proper education and should have equal opportunity when it comes to jobs. This scheme in a way ensured the survival and the safety of the girl child by providing financial aids to the poor and the downtrodden families.

Apart from these, this scheme has also imparted education in the remotest part of this country to stop witch hunt, murder, rape, child marriage and many other heinous crimes. One can always check the government’s official web portal at http://www.wcd.nic.in/. From this web portal one will be able to get the complete overview of all the services and facilities provided by the government for the protection of the rights children and the women.

Eligibility and conditions applying for the scheme

Each and every girl child can avail the benefits of this scheme. Anybody who is less than ten years must open a bank account and present all the necessary and the required documents. The scheme is available for each and every Indian girl child. Once the bank account is opened the parents can deposit a minimum of one thousand rupees. And as a matter of fact this savings account will provide the girl child with 9.1% interest rate and that too without deducting any income tax.

Required documents

The following are the documents that are required for availing this scheme: –

  • Birth certificate of the child.
  • Parent’s and local guardian’s identity proof.
  • Address proof.
  • One has to be citizen of this country in order to avail the facility of this scheme.

How to apply

Applying for this scheme is very easy. One can either go to the local gram panchayat or the municipal corporation office. All the necessary information is available with them. Apart from this one can also apply through the online official web portals. And the account related information can be collected from the various branches of the bank. Apart from these there are several helpline numbers through which one can get all the required information and everything.

Contact details

One can always contact the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Human Resource Developmentfor any problem related to availing the services and the benefits of this scheme. Apart from this the local concerned authorities must also be contacted.

Some important links



Women empowerment is one of the key issues of this century. The government has developed various schemes and plans that ensure the safety and the security of a girl child. In India the Beti bachao, Beti padhao yojana is working in full swing.

And with the help of this scheme the government has been able to put a stop or at least has lowered the number of the female feticides. The Indian government started this campaign with one hundred crore rupees. And slowly and gradually the government is pumping in more funds to make this scheme work so that in the near there can be no discrimination against the sex.


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