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7th Pay Commission



Pay commission is a recommendation body of government of India, which was created to provide salary related recommendation to the government employees. After the independence of India multiple pay commission was created to reconstruct the salary package of government mechanism. The main job of this commission is to check the present salary mechanism of government employees and recommend the necessary changes. In India, the government is responsible to control the inflation in the economy.

Because of inflation, the salary of government employees needs to be increased. If the salary system of the government does not change according to the inflation the government employees will face difficulties to get access to the necessities of life. In India, the government official can’t have any relation to any business. The government employees are bound to live their life with the salary provided by the government. That is why to compensate them the government constitutes pay commission.


The first pay commission was created in the year 1946 and recently the government of India accepted the recommendations of the 7th pay commission. After the creation of a pay commission, the members get 18 months to submit their recommendations to the government. The members of the parliament have the full authority to pass the recommendation or to amend the suggestions. The 7th pay commission was created in 2016. The 7th pay commission suggested 26000 rupees as the basic salary of the government employees. The commission also recommended 2.50 lakh rupees as the maximum amount for salary. These recommendations were well accepted by the central government.


The main objective of the pay commission is to create a better salary for the government employees so that they can have access to the basic amenities. The pay commission is a tool of government, which helps the government employees to deal with the inflation in the country. Government employees in India can’t maintain any office of profit, the salary paid by the government is their only way to earn money. The pay commission helps the government to create better salary package for its employees, to keep the employees motivated and dedicated towards work. This tool of government also helps the government to reduce corruption in the country.

Benefits Of 7th Pay Commission:

As you know the pay commission only has the authority to make recommendations to the government. Still, the present government has accepted most of the recommendation made by the 7th pay commission. The government employees have got various benefits from the 7th pay commission.

  1. The minimum salary of the government employees has been increased to 26 thousand rupees. Previously it was only 18 thousand rupees.
  2. The maximum salary of the government employees was increased to 2.5 lakh rupees. Previously it was 90,000 rupees. The maximum salary limit for the government employees was increased almost 2.5 times, which is huge compared to the previous pay commission recommendations.
  3. Overall the salary package for the government employees has increased a lot and over 10 lakh people will be benefited from this decision.

Eligibility To Avail The Benefits Of The Pay Commission:

Pay commission is created by the central government of India to revise the salary package of the government employees. State government employees and private sector employees will not get any benefit from the pay commission recommendations. The 7th pay recommendations ware made to revive the payment structure of the central government employees like railway, army, and other central government employees.

Required Document:

Only central government employees will be able to access to the benefits of 7th pay commission. That worker, who is working with a central government office with a temporary contract, they will not get any benefit from the 7th pay commission. The new pay structure will be available for the permanent status of all the central government departments. The staffs don’t need any specific documents to get the new salary package. The accounts department of those offices will apply the new pay structure after passing the bill from the parliament.

How To Apply:

NA- not eligible.

Contact Details:

NA- not eligible.

Some Important Links:

NA – Not eligible

Some Fact About Pay Commission And Money Bill:

The pay commission only has the power to recommend, it doesn’t have the power to implement the new pay structure. There is no specific time to constitute a pay commission. After the independence, the central government is creating the pay commission after every 10 years or 11-year interval. The pay commission is normally headed by a retired judge. the pay commission gets a time limit of 18 months to submit its report to the central government. Then the report has to be passed in the upper house and the lower house of the parliament. Initially, the report has to go to the lower house of the parliament. Then the bill will be sent to the upper house of the parliament. The members of the upper house have 14 days to amend the bill. The members of upper house can also provide recommendations to the members of the lower house to amend the bill. If the members of the upper house don’t pass the bill within 14 days, the bill will be returned to the lower house automatically. The members of the lower house have the complete authority to amend the bill. This bill will be treated as a money bill in the lower house of the parliament. That is why the lower house members need 2/3 rd majority to pass the bill in the lower house. After that, the bill will go to the president of India. The president of India can send the bill to the parliament for reconsideration. If the members of the lower house don’t consider the bill for further amendment, the president has to send the bill.

Members Of 7th Pay Commission:

The 7th pay commission was headed by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur. Ashok Kumar Mathur is a retired chief justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court. Mr. Vivek Rae, the secretary of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas was also a member of the 7th pay commission. Ex-director of NIPFP Mr. Rathin Roy was a part-time member of the 7th pay commission. Mr. Rathin Roy is a well know economics scholar and ex-professor of the University of London. Smt. Meena Agarwal was also a member of the 7th Pay commission. Mrs. Agarwal is an IRAS officer and holding an important post in the Ministry of Finance.


More than 10 lakh employees will be benefited from the 7th pay commission. Though most of the employees are not satisfied with the recommendations and the new pay structure, the armed forces will be affected by this pay commission. Armed force employees of India used to have a different payment structure but the new pay commission changed their entire increment and payment mechanism.

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