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Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)


Scheme is launched in the year of 2001 by merge two other schemes which are running namely employment assurance scheme and jawahar gram samridhi yojana.  Both the schemes are running successfully but due to allocation in a particular location all these two schemes at a time getting some difficulties in implementation process,  to avoid search difficulties and get the realistic improvement a growth towards a miniature merged these two schemes.


Employment assurance scheme is purely able to provide food security to the people in the rural locality irrespective of their nature of job and economical status,  but the main focus and aim is to improve the level of food security to the below poverty line population and also focusing on sc st schedule population. Providing.  Jawahar gram samridhi yojana is also another finest scheme launched in 1998 in the name of jawaharlal nehru was the prime minister at that time for securing sc st category population employment during the period of an year. Under the scheme below poverty line population are majorly benefited availing the scheme benefits like compulsory employment with a sufficient wages.



Sampoorna grameen rozgar yojana runs by the central government authorities  who belongs to a scheme and coming to the local bodies inter scheme implementation and alligation  will be done by the local panchayats.  The allocation of work and its progress and also the falling segregated according to the level of panchayats exist locally.  The entire name of the program implement space district panchayat,  intermediate panchayat and gram panchayats.  The resources and funding allocation will be in the ratio of 20 : 30 : 50, which means the rural gram panchayat  fund allocation under the scheme is 50% of the total funds. The total funding amount should be used by the rural gram panchayat infrastructure in sc st dominated locality. The  funds  allocation will be done to the  district and intermediate panchayat for each 25% . These forms are also useful the sc st communities population for individuals growth factor.


Under the scheme,  majority of sc st community population will be benefited in the manner of getting proper  employment  and also self growth towards improvement in financial status,  communication and education level status and also the livelihood lifestyle.


 Benefits of the scheme

The major videos of the scheme is to provide a proper employment source to the population of sc st category in rural locality without failure . The scheme is majorly able to nature,  all the work allocation and implementations or should associate with the related improve mental growth of nature.

  • The population who are below poverty line can get assured employment under the scheme
  •  Sc st community development can be done
  •  The population of sc st can get the benefits under the scheme as an individual and also as a community
  •  About for providing employment and wages,  under individual self growth the people can get the benefits like special loan provision and also individual beneficiary financial assistance under the scheme.


 Eligibility criteria and how to apply

The eligibility criteria prevailing the scheme benefits are,  as an individual a person should belong to the rural locality and should project the realistic economical status in the rural gram panchayat  or else the gram panchayat officials identifies search communities or people who are below the poverty line and provides required assistance which comes under the scheme.


People who are willing to work under the scheme need to approach the local gram panchayat sabha and have to provide the details like identification proof address proof and any kind of financial status showcase document.  In majority of the cases in the gram panchayat officials able to identify according to the information they have about the village.  For sc st  population the scheme is purely eligible.  All they have to do is just approaching gram panchayat with relevant documents like address and identification proof and certification of cast to register under the scheme and to get the benefits.



The rural population who are belongs to below poverty line and struggling to get employment and food security can approach directly local gram panchayat for availing the scheme.  Just was willing a nominal form which requires basic  details like name age and the financial status resemble certificate if any.


Once the certification is done individual can get a copy of letter along with identification quiz shows the eligibility of a person who can gain the benefits of the scheme.  Then he or she can work in there village itself under the scheme conducting employment programmes throughout the year. All the programs designed and implementation will be done by the gram panchayats only i’m majorly focusing on nature.



Properties of the scheme

Majority of the population in india especially in rural locations are struggling with financial matters and this is leading to drastic fall down of countries gdp.  To avoid the situation and improve the financial status of the people who lives in rural locality especially sc st category population the scheme  sampoorna  grameen rozgar yojana  initiated by combining  others  schemes which were  run successfully for a period.


There are two main aims to the program to start with,

  • Due to lack of information about how to prevent the nature and control the environmental pollution people and communities in rural locations are  spoiling the nature.  To prevent things  the scheme is majorly focusing on nurturing the nature providing a prominent statistical approach towards the improvement of nature in various modes like,  plantation in the rural villages and a nearby,  water harvesting,  cleaning the society and the villages,  usage of water without having a huge wastage and also bringing the awareness on various environment friendly aspects to bring awareness in rural population and to avoid environment pollution.
  •  Providing safe and secure employment to the rural population specifically sc st communities in the rural localities and also the people who are below the poverty line and  struggling to get food security and economical secure.  Under the scheme eligible people can get employment throughout the year in there respect villages are the rural locality itself.  It also increases assisting  financial support to the sc st community development and also for the growth of individuals as well.  Which means individuals are also eligible to get financial support under the scheme.

The overall scheme is beneficiary to two sectors which are namely are categorised as,  below poverty line and sc st community population.  The growth rate of beneficiaries since from the day scheme initiated is very high and now is running very successfully in all the rural localities.



The overall scheme implementation is completely taking care by the local gram sabha and gram panchayat according to the budget allocations provided and also the district level gram panchayats work towards the aiming factors of the scheme. Approximately 22% of the sc st community population in rural villages are benefited under the scheme and still avail in all the scheme benefits.


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