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National Literacy Mission Programme

National Literacy Mission (NLM) is a nationwide program was launched on May 5, 1988, by the Government of India National Literacy Mission Authority, works under the guidance of an independent wing of Human Resources and Development | Aimed at 15 to 35 is to educate “by adults aged” literacy “. Not only reading means NLM, is to learn to write and count is, but also help people change their lives and move forward and understand Have to do


  • To be aware of the deprived reasons for participating in the development process and to try to improve their situation.
  • Acquiring skills for country’s economic status and development
  • National integration, environmental protection, women’s equality, small family norms to follow and so on.

Benefits of the Scheme:

Total Literacy:

The Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) model has been introduced in India as a major strategy for eradicating adult illiteracy. This campaign is area-specific, timed, volunteer-based, cost-effective and result-oriented. In this campaign, literacy and numeracy have been emphasized on achieving functional literacy through the prescribed criteria. In this entire process, the learner has been kept the focal point.

Post Literacy:

Post-literacy or “after literacy” is a concept of education, in which all types of education (continuing education) is included after the achievement of basic education. Literacy of post-literacy is considered as the ‘bridge ‘ between primary literacy or its equivalent and further study.

The objective of Post Literacy Program is to strengthen the basic literacy skills of speaking, reading, writing, numeracy, and problem-solving.


In 9-14 age groups, Neo-literacy has completed basic literacy course under literacy campaign.

  • Neo-literacy in the 15-35 age groups
  • For basic literacy phase semi-literacy/dropout
  • Dropouts of primary schools
  • NFE (NFE – Non-Formal Education ) close-out programs

Required Documents:

Required Documents for midday meal scheme:


  • Birth Certificates
  • Residence proof
  • ID Proof
  • Adhar Card


Literacy rate

From 1991 onwards, the definition of literacy in the Indian census is as follows:

The rate of literacy rate or “effective literacy rate” is called the ratio of the population to the people of the entire population of a particular time and area, whose age is 7 years or more.

Literacy rate percentage = educated population / total population x 100

Indian literacy rate in the 2011 census is 75.06, which was only 18% in 1947. The literacy rate of India is less than 84% of the literacy rate of the world. There is a significant difference between male and female literacy in India, where the literacy rate of men is 82.14, whereas in women it is only 65.46 percent.

The National Literacy Mission, which started almost 20 years ago, has now been revamped to speed up. Three important programs of education spread under the campaign have been incorporated in the scheme launched in the name of Adult Education and Skill Development. In the spread of literacy, information and communication technology will now be used extensively.

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Along with this, ‘continuous education and awareness’ has been started for a new program. Under this program, aim is to make illiterate literate and take those who are well-educated, in the direction of employment-oriented education. For this, new packages of education will be prepared during the 11th Five-Year Plan. According to sources in the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, these packages will be prepared keeping in mind the needs of the youth of different classes. Integrating district literacy committees and Panchayati Raj systems will be an attempt to make the literacy mission effective in the right direction.

The program will be run specifically by scheduled castes, tribes, minorities, and rural women. To get this objective backward and tribal multiplicity states will be targeted. By 2012, 250 public educational institutions will be set up. The goal is to bring 85 percent of the country’s population to the periphery of literacy till the completion of the 11th Five Year Plan (the year 2012). Along with this, special programs will be started to bridge the gap between the literacy of men and women. This difference should be reduced to 10 percent.

Contact Details:

To enlist the name in this scheme you can have the best option in the https://www.india.gov.in website. Otherwise, you can also visit http://mhrd.gov.in.

Some Important Links:




In the year 1988, starting the National Literacy Campaign, youths aged 15 to 35 years were targeted. Based on the experience of the last two decades, it is now being felt that if the literacy is not linked to the living, then the benefits of this mission will not be realized in the real sense. According to the Ministry’s figures, literacy in the country was around 18 percent in 1951, which reached almost 65 percent in 2001. During this period, male literacy is around 75 percent and female literacy is around 63 percent. Although the percentage of literacy is on the rise, there is still the difference between literacy in men and women.  Till that time to today, the journey had been long and the results also.

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